On 4/21/22 17:15, Kumara N Babu wrote:
Thanks. Do you plan to MFC this change to stable/12 ?
After we've debugged all the issues you are experiencing, yes.
Hi Mahesh,
FYI: I've made the following commit for now:
On 4/21/22 10:23, Mahesh Vardhamanaiah wrote:
Hi Mahesh,
With few debug logs I do see that
xhci_configure_reset_endpoint:3958: epno = 3, ep_state = 3, drop = 0
xhci_configure_reset_endpoint:3958: epno = 3, ep_state = 0, drop = 1
Do we need to do drop even if the ep_state is 0 ?
Hi Mahesh,
I don't see any "Could not XXX" messages, so then the XHCI part should
be fine, and if you verify using Beagle, I expect there to be no more
data toggle mismatches, but I may be wrong.
On 4/20/22 19:48, Mahesh Vardhamanaiah wrote:
Please find the few of the debug logs added
On 4/20/22 14:06, Mahesh Vardhamanaiah wrote:
Is the fix like we get error for the Data transaction and report the error.
Later we detect that EP is error and we reconfigured it ?
There is an issue, an OUT transaction that doesn't get ACK'ed - right,
and that is not a problem of the XHCI
, 2022 5:37 PM
To: Hans Petter Selasky ; Kamal Prasad
; freebsd-...@freebsd.org
Cc: Steve Kiernan ; Justin Hibbits ;
Kumara N Babu ; Kristof Provost ; Bjoern
A. Zeeb
Subject: RE: xhci data toggle out of sync
Please find the patch used and kernel booted.
root@:RE:0% uname -a
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2022 5:20 PM
To: Mahesh Vardhamanaiah ; Kamal Prasad
; freebsd-...@freebsd.org
Cc: Steve Kiernan ; Justin Hibbits ;
Kumara N Babu ; Kristof Provost ; Bjoern
A. Zeeb
Subject: Re: xhci data toggle out of sync
[External Email. Be cautious of content]
On 4/20/22 12
On 4/20/22 12:59, Mahesh Vardhamanaiah wrote:
Still no luck. I had added device_prints if the configure EP gets invoked and I
don’t see them either during the error.
login: (da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): READ(10). CDB: 28 00 00 aa f2 68 00 00 80 00
(da0:umass-sim0:0:0:0): CAM status: CCB requ
Babu ; Kristof Provost ; Bjoern
A. Zeeb
Subject: Re: xhci data toggle out of sync
[External Email. Be cautious of content]
On 4/20/22 07:15, Mahesh Vardhamanaiah wrote:
> Hi HPS,
> The controller is from Broadcom (BCM56275 chip) so have created Support
> Request Case for the
On 4/20/22 07:15, Mahesh Vardhamanaiah wrote:
The controller is from Broadcom (BCM56275 chip) so have created Support Request
Case for the query below.
Hi Mahesh,
Here is one more patch you can try. Please revert all prior patches.
diff --git a/sys/dev/usb/con
; freebsd-...@freebsd.org
Cc: Steve Kiernan ; Justin Hibbits ;
Kumara N Babu ; Kristof Provost ; Bjoern
A. Zeeb
Subject: Re: xhci data toggle out of sync
[External Email. Be cautious of content]
On 4/19/22 17:31, Mahesh Vardhamanaiah wrote:
> Hi HPS,
> Sorry, my knowledge on US
On 4/19/22 17:31, Mahesh Vardhamanaiah wrote:
Sorry, my knowledge on USB is very limited. Is there any other way to reset
the data toggles if the state
Transition is not allowed ?
Hi Mahesh,
I will check the XHCI specification again, but I'm afraid we'll need to
workaround this on
: Tuesday, April 19, 2022 7:03 PM
To: Mahesh Vardhamanaiah ; Kamal Prasad
; freebsd-...@freebsd.org
Cc: Steve Kiernan ; Justin Hibbits ;
Kumara N Babu ; Kristof Provost ; Bjoern
A. Zeeb
Subject: Re: xhci data toggle out of sync
[External Email. Be cautious of content]
Hi Mahesh,
The function
Hi Mahesh,
The function xhci_cmd_reset_ep() is supposed to set the TX or RX data
toggle back to zero for the endpoint context given by epno.
Maybe you could investigate why that function is not working with your
XHCI hardware? I feel you are quite competent in USB regards.
Maybe the Linux U
Hi Mahesh,
On 4/19/22 14:18, Mahesh Vardhamanaiah wrote:
I think there is some confusion the error I am printing is in HEX value so the
decimal error code is
Good catch.
That IOERROR is hiding a hardware error code, maybe you could also prin
, April 19, 2022 5:15 PM
To: Mahesh Vardhamanaiah ; Kamal Prasad
; freebsd-...@freebsd.org
Cc: Steve Kiernan ; Justin Hibbits ;
Kumara N Babu ; Kristof Provost ; Bjoern
A. Zeeb
Subject: Re: xhci data toggle out of sync
[External Email. Be cautious of content]
On 4/19/22 13:36, Mahesh
On 4/19/22 13:36, Mahesh Vardhamanaiah wrote:
Please find the diff below for the error prints.
[maheshmv@svl-bsdx-02 /b/maheshmv/usb_issue/src]$ git diff
diff --git a/sys/dev/usb/controller/xhci.c b/sys/dev/usb/controller/xhci.c
index 70a73dcc94c..fa7c106
Prasad ; Mahesh Vardhamanaiah
; freebsd-...@freebsd.org
Cc: Steve Kiernan ; Justin Hibbits ;
Kumara N Babu ; Kristof Provost ; Bjoern
A. Zeeb
Subject: Re: xhci data toggle out of sync
[External Email. Be cautious of content]
On 4/19/22 12:59, Kamal Prasad wrote:
> Hi Peter,
On 4/19/22 12:59, Kamal Prasad wrote:
Hi Peter,
Which is not a valid return code from xhci_do_command(). Can you check
where this value comes from?
This is coming from this location in xhci_configure_endpoint() which in turn is
called by xhci_configure_endpoint_by_xfer():-
ibbits ;
Kumara N Babu ; Kamal Prasad ;
Kristof Provost ; Bjoern A. Zeeb
Subject: Re: xhci data toggle out of sync
[External Email. Be cautious of content]
On 4/19/22 11:30, Mahesh Vardhamanaiah wrote:
> Hi HPS,
> The error seems to be NO_PIPE and end points are 2 & 3 b
On 4/19/22 11:30, Mahesh Vardhamanaiah wrote:
The error seems to be NO_PIPE and end points are 2 & 3 but the
usbconfig dump_all_desc lists epaddress 1, 81 any idea why ?
The XHCI endpoint context order is different from the endpoint numbers,
so this is expected.
ugen0.3: at
On 4/19/22 11:20, Mahesh Vardhamanaiah wrote:
Please find the requested logs.
xhci0: MMV endpoint 3 state 2
xhci0: MMV Could not stop endpoint 3 err 12
xhci0: MMV endpoint 3 state 3
xhci0: MMV Could not stop endpoint 3 err 12
xhci0: MMV Could not reset endpoint 3 err 12
xhci0: MMV endpo
asad ;
Kristof Provost ; Bjoern A. Zeeb
Subject: Re: xhci data toggle out of sync
[External Email. Be cautious of content]
Hi Mahesh,
On 4/19/22 10:40, Mahesh Vardhamanaiah wrote:
> xhci0: MMV Could not stop endpoint 3
> xhci0: MMV Could not reset endpoint 3
Is there a chance you can find o
Vardhamanaiah ; freebsd-...@freebsd.org
Cc: Steve Kiernan ; Justin Hibbits ;
Kumara N Babu ; Kamal Prasad ;
Kristof Provost ; Bjoern A. Zeeb
Subject: Re: xhci data toggle out of sync
[External Email. Be cautious of content]
On 4/19/22 10:40, Mahesh Vardhamanaiah wrote:
> xhci_get_endpoint_state(u
Hi Mahesh,
On 4/19/22 10:40, Mahesh Vardhamanaiah wrote:
xhci0: MMV Could not stop endpoint 3
xhci0: MMV Could not reset endpoint 3
Is there a chance you can find out why the XHCI controller is not
accepting these commands?
I mean, if the endpoint cannot be reset, also when there is no prev
On 4/19/22 10:40, Mahesh Vardhamanaiah wrote:
xhci_get_endpoint_state(udev, epno)
Could you print the return value of:
xhci_get_endpoint_state(udev, epno)
siness Use Only
-Original Message-
From: Hans Petter Selasky
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2022 12:33 PM
To: Mahesh Vardhamanaiah ; freebsd-...@freebsd.org
Cc: Steve Kiernan ; Justin Hibbits ;
Kumara N Babu ; Kamal Prasad ;
Kristof Provost ; Bjoern A. Zeeb
Subject: Re: xhci data toggle out
Hi Mahesh,
What happens if you revert SVN r365239?
Subject: Re: xhci data toggle out of sync
[External Email. Be cautious of content]
I think I see what is going on there. I believe this commit is a regression
after r365239, that the XHCI driver only resets the data toggle when a STALL
PID or USB error is received! But that is not the case
I think I see what is going on there. I believe this commit is a
regression after r365239, that the XHCI driver only resets the data
toggle when a STALL PID or USB error is received! But that is not the
case for the BULK OUT endpoint, in your traces, because USB mass storage
has two endpo
On 4/18/22 18:44, Mahesh Vardhamanaiah wrote:
Hi all,
Need your help regarding an urgent issue where we are observing an issue with
Freebsd stable/12. The data toggles for BOT endpoint
(DATA0/DATA1) are out of sync with respect to EP and the system experiences
the READ(10) errors. The
Hi all,
Need your help regarding an urgent issue where we are observing an issue with
Freebsd stable/12. The data toggles for BOT endpoint
(DATA0/DATA1) are out of sync with respect to EP and the system experiences
the READ(10) errors. The READ(10) error recovers within
couple of retries
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