[Ubuntu-x-swat] [Bug 600178] Re: Screen tearing when dragging window, in videos and other large screen redraws (on nVidia GPU)

2011-06-10 Thread Eugenio Ziliotto
As I wrote here on comment #31 I was able to remove tearing enabling the Force full screen redraws (buffer swap) on repaint, the Sync to Vblank options on nvidia server settings and setting the compiz fusion icon to start at boot with indirect rendering disabled( I think this works as the comp

[Ubuntu-x-swat] [Bug 600178] Re: Screen tearing when dragging window, in videos and other large screen redraws (on nVidia GPU)

2011-05-05 Thread Eugenio Ziliotto
I have a laptop with a geforce 8400m g nvidia graphic card and I always had this tearing problem. In Maverick I've managed to partially solve it enabling Sync to VBlank both in the nvidia settings and compiz then ,always in compiz, i enbled the undirect fullscreen windows (I think it's called like