2009/7/5 Ragia Ibrahim :
> Hi all "
> I am new linx user (2 weeks ago)
> I need to run[ make install ] in specific folder but i got the following
> Error "Permission denied"
> how can I change folder permission to make this..
> the error is as follow...
> /usr/bin/install: cannot create regular
As Stephen said, you should be doing "sudo make install" then entering
your account password when requested: that should do it
But one thing I will mention. Installing from source is often not
necessary. You should run Synaptic Package Manager (System ->
Administration) in the first instance and
Hi Ragia,
2009/7/5 Ragia Ibrahim :
> Hi all "
> I am new linx user (2 weeks ago)
> I need to run[ make install ] in specific folder but i got the following
> Error "Permission denied"
> how can I change folder permission to make this..
> the error is as follow...
What are you trying
Hi all "
I am new linx user (2 weeks ago)
I need to run[ make install ] in specific folder but i got the following
Error "Permission denied"
how can I change folder permission to make this..
the error is as follow...
/usr/bin/install: cannot create regular file