I agree. Microsoft is a threat because of their monoply. They are very
good at locking-in users, however they are starting to feel threatened
by Linux and the negativity they received after the release of Vista.
Hence the 'release party' move (as well as various open source
initiatives) to improve
How do you see apple as a threat?
I can see them as a challenge, and something to raise the game for
free OS developers, but a threat?
Do you mean that they are practicing seriously monopolistic practices?
(Serious question, btw, not trying to start a flame war.)
On 05/09/2009, Ti
Matt Jones wrote:
> I wonder where they got this idea from?
> http://houseparty.com/windows7
In all seriousness, I was thinking of "throwing" a windows 7 release
party (in my windows free house) and sending them home with a karmic CD...
Tbh though, I don't really care about microsoft the
I wonder where they got this idea from?
They do seem to look very excited at installing Windows 7. Then again,
they may be wiping Vista...