> New line characters in the substitution string, perhaps? Dot doesn't
> match those unless you modify the line:
> $solar_info =~ s/<\/solar>.*/,/s;
Kevin, may have something there - there is an inexplicable white space
when the tags are doubled up.
1,2,3,4,5 6,7,8,9,0
when it is dou
New line characters in the substitution string, perhaps? Dot doesn't match
those unless you modify the line:
$solar_info =~ s/<\/solar>.*/,/s;
Kevin Safford
ting- am replying from my phone.
-Original Message-
From: Matt Wheeler
Sent: 12/07/2010 23:46:32
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Quick Perl question...
[some pruned text]
You could remove both the start and end tags with something like
$solar_info =~ s!(.*)!$1!;
(note I'm also us
ame line.
$solar_info =~ s/([^<]*)<\/solar>/$1\n/g;
Let us know how you get on.
Matthew Bassett
Sorry about the top posting- am replying from my phone.
-Original Message-
From: LeeGroups
Sent: 12/07/2010 22:55:38
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] [OT] Quick Perl question...
On 12 July 2010 22:55, LeeGroups wrote:
> This input 8,27.31,28.68,28.81,0.00,0.00,0
> It need to be --
> 8,27.31,28.68,28.81,0.00,0.00,0
> Another line chops off the .
> The problem is that occasionally there is rubbish on the end of the
> line, or even another line appended to the end of the f
So, why not do /(.*)<\/solar>/ ?
Jon "TheNiceGuy" Spriggs
On 12 Jul 2010 22:56, "LeeGroups" wrote:
>> $solar_info =~ s/<\/solar>.*/,/;
>> From my tinkerings, this should find the string ...
> What's the input string? The following code simply prints "," for me
> not ",abcdef" as you
>> $solar_info =~ s/<\/solar>.*/,/;
>> From my tinkerings, this should find the string in the string
>> $solar_info, and then remove it and any number of following characters
>> (the .*) and then replace them with a ",".
>> Except that it doesn't. It hacks out the and replaces it with a
>> ,
On 12 July 2010 21:12, LeeGroups wrote:
> $solar_info =~ s/<\/solar>.*/,/;
> From my tinkerings, this should find the string in the string
> $solar_info, and then remove it and any number of following characters
> (the .*) and then replace them with a ",".
> Except that it doesn't. It hacks ou