Martin Meredith writes:
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However, because of the Version Freeze, Ubuntu is stuck at version 1.0.2
of Firefox, unless you use Backports gives you instructions on how to
use backports
However, it is import
simon baker writes:
Hello from Deutschland,
yes,I live here,believe it or not.!
I am trying to migrate from windoze
at the moment,and have the internet
up and running,but the browser given
is Firefox 1.02.
I have downloaded version 1.04 ,so,
next how do I upgrade the old one?
John Levin writes:
Last call for the Ubuntu stall at Lug Radio Live.
LugRadioLive is this coming weekend (June 26th) - for more details see:
I'm running the Ubuntu stall and need volunteers to man it during the
Can you spare an hour or so? Then ap