michaelweaver wrote:
> The device I now have is a USB stick.
> Should this be supported under Ubuntu?
> I ask as I have not been able to find any documentation which might tell
> me if USB sticks for wireless are supported.
I was recently helping a friend getting their laptop online - they'd
Oh wow, I use Liferea too... I didn't know it did that though! It just
gets better and better...! Brilliant!
adrian wrote:
> Simon, I use Liferea and I load in all the duplicate posts, but once I
> have read one in ine feed, it marks all others duplicate posts as read.
> So no problem.
Johnathon Tinsley wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have an rss feed subscription to planet.ubuntu.com.. how much
> duplication would I experience If I subscribed to the uk planet as well?
Only 11 feeds, yes I counted them because I couldn't figure out how to
make a shell script do it any quicker. Need s
Mark Harrison wrote:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PhpBB2
> Now working fine
> M.
I would mention at this point to make certain you keep up to date with
security updates for both PHP itself and phpBB - in the past, there have
been many vulnerabilities found in the software
Chris Rowson wrote:
> Just checking out The Register and I found an article about MS's new
> product. Microsoft Surface. Credit where credit's due - I think it
> looks pretty uber! If they've patented the concept behind this, it'd
> be hard to compete in a lot of applications in the future
Michael Wood wrote:
> Hi All,
> Due to popular demand I've made planet.ubuntu-uk.org look a lot nicer
> (hopefully) and it now has the facilities to have more information about
> each author.
> Unless there are any objections to the design can I ask that people who
> wish to fill in extra in
Google throws up http://webpage-tools.com/faqmaker.asp and a few similar
"plug in your questions and answers" websites. (Keywords searched: FAQ
template). Is that the sort of thing you were after??
Jim Kissel wrote:
> Anyone have a good document template/sytle/example document for layo