On Tue, 2013-10-08 at 20:10 +0100, Laura Czajkowski wrote:
> Laura
LAura, thanks.
Bill B. [SuperEngineer]
-Registered Linux User 523667-
-Registered Ubuntu User 32366-
-Free as in Freedom--
On Tue, 2013-10-08 at 20:10 +0100, Laura Czajkowski wrote:
> So have you filed a bug, if so can you share here so we can all see
> and
> either verfify it or add content to it
> thanks
bug 1237032 in gwibber (Ubuntu) "Gwibber not updating from facebook [not
"refreshing"]" [Undecided,New] http
On 08/10/13 20:04, SuperEngineer wrote:
Gwibber with Facebook on 12.04 LTS [emphasis on the LTS there, as in
Long Term Support} is now a total fail. I appreciate many would not
count non-browser access to FB a core essential - but when it did work &
then, as from a week ago, it doesn't [on, I rep
Gwibber with Facebook on 12.04 LTS [emphasis on the LTS there, as in
Long Term Support} is now a total fail. I appreciate many would not
count non-browser access to FB a core essential - but when it did work &
then, as from a week ago, it doesn't [on, I repeat, an LTS... h] &
nothing found re A
My laptop has a mini PCI-e slot, SIM card slot and antenna cable for 3g
Have tried to find if there are any cards that are compatible with Ubuntu
without much luck. Has anyone had any experience of 3g cards?