The wrapper script debian/initramfs/cryptroot-unlock contains texts that
are not translatable (at least I cannot find cryptroot-unlock on An example is this text (shown upon boot
when disk has LUKS encryption): "Please unlock disk $CRYPTTAB_NAME".
Should I report t
This is still an issue with the latest live image for Eoan; the
translations for Norwegian Nynorsk are only partially included in
Ubiquity and the rest of the live image. I have tested this with
Kubuntu, but Ubiquity should be the same for Ubuntu as well. Please
see these screenshots for some e
On 2019-09-07 15:37, Øystein Steffensen-Alværvik wrote:
The wrapper script debian/initramfs/cryptroot-unlock contains texts
that are not translatable (at least I cannot find cryptroot-unlock on An example is this text (shown upon
boot when disk has LUKS encryption):