2010/3/15 Rodney Dawes :
> which there are translations, and doesn't really explain which
> strings you feel broke this freeze. Can you list them please, so
> we can determine which ones exactly you think broke the freeze?
> I'll leave you in the capable hands of Elliot if there are any
> ones th
Hi Timo,
The link you provided doesn't work (I get a nominally blank page),
and the one Andr provided just shows the different languages for
which there are translations, and doesn't really explain which
strings you feel broke this freeze. Can you list them please, so
we can determine which ones e
El ds 13 de 03 de 2010 a les 12:54 +0100, en/na David Planella va
> Hi Jochen,
> El dv 12 de 03 de 2010 a les 17:25 +0100, en/na Jochen Skulj va
> escriure:
> [...]
> > Could anyone just confirm that the string has to be
> > translated as well? I'm just a little unsure about it, since
Hi David,
Am Samstag, den 13.03.2010, 12:54 +0100 schrieb David Planella:
> I'll check with the Ubuntu One developers on Monday, but having a quick
> look at the code, it seems that the string is just a description and can
> be translated.
> Note that there might be some more string changes (we
Hi Jochen,
El dv 12 de 03 de 2010 a les 17:25 +0100, en/na Jochen Skulj va
> Could anyone just confirm that the string has to be
> translated as well? I'm just a little unsure about it, since it looks
> somehow technically like a key or text. Unfortunately I don't know in
> which
I would like to second that. Please make sure that you try to stick
the to the freezes.
Over here in the Manual project we have to capture over 2000
screenshots before Lucid is released, the earlier we start, the better
chance we have of reaching our goal and producing a quality product.
But we ca
Am Freitag, den 12.03.2010, 08:42 +0200 schrieb Timo Jyrinki:
> The new UI strings are available at
> https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/ubuntuone-client
> -Timo
Could anyone just confirm that the string has to be
translated as well? I'm just a little unsure about
Hi Timo,
Just to fix your link:
André Gondim
E-mail: andregon...@ubuntu.com
Blog: http://andregondim.eti.br
OpenPGP keys: C9721403
Hi Rodney,
You recently uploaded a new version of ubuntuone-client source
package. Please note that Ubuntu has been in UserInterfaceFreeze since
March 4th, requiring freeze exception including a bug report and a
note to relevant mailing lists. See more information at