Hi Jiri,
У чет, 06. 10 2011. у 10:05 +0300, Jiri Grönroos пише:
> This is a serious issue and it's not limited to one specific language. I
> believe it affects all projects hosted on Rosetta/LP. A bug has been filed,
> see https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/818230 - please add your
> exampl
Hi Andrius,
У сре, 05. 10 2011. у 23:10 +0100, Andrius Štikonas пише:
> I have noticed that sometimes Launchpad does not correctly import upstream
> translations. I have noticed this with KDE translations of Lithuanian
> language.
> For example,
> https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric
According to credits there are LP contributions: Tomas Straupis, ,Launchpad
Contributions:,Tomas Straupis
One should ask from Tomas if he's actually done any work on LP. If he has,
have those contributions been exported from LP to upstream? If LP and
upstream both have the same string, there could
2011/10/6 Andrius Štikonas :
> Bug #818230 is slightly different issue, where Ubuntu modifications get
> overwritten by upstream translations. On the other hand, the issue that
> I reported is about upstream translations not overwriting older upstream
> translations which is quite bad in my case. A
Bug #818230 is slightly different issue, where Ubuntu modifications get
overwritten by upstream translations. On the other hand, the issue that
I reported is about upstream translations not overwriting older upstream
translations which is quite bad in my case. At least for Lithuanian
language, KDE
2011/10/6 Andrius Štikonas :
> There are a lot more examples, so it is not possible to list them all. It
> seems to me that at lease KDE Lithuanian translations are no longer properly
> imported. Maybe somebody can tell if this happens with other languages or
> with non KDE translations. Unfortunat