On 04/26/2013 08:00 AM, Adeeb Nqo wrote:
> I want to get involved in translating Ubuntu to IsiXhosa (xh_ZA). I
> applied for membership on the Ubuntu Xhosa Translators team on launchpad
> on 2013-04-06. I haven't recieved a reply nor has my application been
> (dis)approved.
You shouldn't need to
On 01/23/2013 07:47 PM, Talat Noumonov wrote:
> Yes, u r both right, unfortunately I'm not translators team yet.
> Right now I sent request to Ubuntu translators coordinator request to
> add me to translators team
This is not really an issue for the Ubuntu translations coordinators...
I think yo
On 01/23/2013 04:06 PM, Sylvie Gallet wrote:
> Hi Talat,
> Maybe you should edit line #12:
> "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n"
> and replace FULL NAME and EMAIL@ADDRESS with your real launchpad full
> name and your address.
This is needed, but perhaps not enough.
Maybe this is the immed
On 12/17/2012 06:55 PM, Pierre Slamich wrote:
> To keep it short, the translations from this project appear as
> suggestions in the French DDTP, and can be reviewed by actual translators.
> We've started using them, and it turns out that a lot of them are
> actually useful and are speeding up the
On 2012-06-16 19:42, Francesco Fumanti wrote:
Assuming, we modify a translation in a po file of Onboard in the source
code repository, and somebody else changes a translation in the
translation interface of Launchpad. How do I know, that the import
triggered by our change in the source code repo
On 2011-01-13 17:18, David Planella wrote:
However, as a side effect and due to a migration script not being run in
the Launchpad side we'd like to ask you to wait a bit to do new
translations _for upstream projects in Launchpad_ until we can run this
script again and make sure new translations
David Planella wrote:
>> In case we decide for the reverting, what happens with the plural forms?
>> In slovenian, there are two different plural expressions and some time
>> ago we decided to use just one in ubuntu. Upstream translations were
>> adapted to fit in the ubuntu plural expression. W
Milo Casagrande wrote:
> don't know if it has been reported as a bug on Launchpad or if it is
> related to me using edge, but I'm experiencing some strange images
> positioning in the translation overview pages. Since a picture speaks
> more than a thousand words, I'll attach it here.
> Is it s
Moritz Baumann wrote:
>> Puzzling indeed! Do you know exactly when this was? We may be able to
>> correlate it to something.
> the import of gnome-user-docs was done on April 11 or 12 and
> approximately one week later I noticed the problem. I'm not sure about
> the other templates, though.
Hello Moritz,
Moritz Baumann wrote:
>> 1. Other translations were imported (or selected by another translation
>> team member) after you provided yours.
> No other member of the German team had worked on these templates.
>> 2. If you did a published upload, then any non-published translations
Khaled Hosny wrote:
> You shouldn't do this, since Tagalog (tl) and Filipino (fil) are two
> different languages with two ISO codes. The proper solution is to make
> sure glibc supports "fil" language, then start new upstream translation
> team for it.
That sounds like the right thing to do to m
Moritz Baumann wrote:
> during the translation process of Jaunty I've experienced a weird
> behaviour multiple times: Rosetta suddenly "degraded" my translations to
> suggestions some hours after I've made them. Two examples:
> - - computer-janitor
> - - new upstream translations for gnome-user-do
André Gondim wrote:
> I am working to solve the Brazilian Translation, but I don't find the error
> at klaptopdaemon, what is wrong in this string:
> #: laptop_daemon.cpp:559
> #, c-format
> msgid "1% left."
> msgid_plural "%n percent left."
> msgstr[0] "Restando 1%."
> msgstr[1] "Restando %n%."
Kenneth Nielsen wrote:
> Changed the spelling error in the title so that it now is sign-off the
> way it should be, that means that it is now to new URL's
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rosetta/+spec/sign-off-on-translation
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SignOffOnTranslation
Thank you. Be warne
Tom Davies wrote:
> 2 million is a lot of strings - no wonder no release is ever completed!
Those are msgstrs, not msgids, but only the ones that are marked as
format strings. It's a bit under 1/10th of the translations.
ubuntu-translators mailing list
Adi Roiban wrote:
> Is there a report with these packages.
> Lately the Romanian team was using the Ubuntu language packs[1] to check
> them for errors and report them upstream[2].
> Now, if Ubuntu language packs are clean I don't know how we can help the
> upstream projects.
I'm glad you aske
Hi all,
This is about the msgids that were used as format strings, where some of
the msgstrs had incompatible formatting directives, e.g. translating
"file not found" as "%s not found."
We've just completed a full gettext check of all active Ubuntu releases.
Any messages that failed gettext'
henn...@ubuntu.com wrote:
> Hi all,
> currently there are no plans to implement something like this but it
> might be worth explaining the idea in a blueprint so that it won't get lost.
Frankly I'm a bit worried that this would be spreading the translation
effort too thin. The current process is
Adi Roiban wrote:
> I'm using it for checking the status for Romanian team and I will
> generate them for other languages.
> It would be nice to have such a stats directly in LP (maybe when it will
> be open sourced).
These may be useful to you when completed:
Milo Casagrande wrote:
> I just quote from last Danilo message regarding this aspect:
>> Launchpad Translations has changed the translation precedence policy
>> with the December release: now upstream ("packaged") translations will
>> be given more priority in specific cases. Yet, Launchpad Tra
Tom Davies wrote:
> However, the graphics and statistics don't get updated automatically so
> it seems a bit of a waste of time bothering with the nice graphic and
> stats which are clearly inaccurate - requiring more unrewarded human
> effort which only gets grumbles. Its a shame that somethi
I'm sorry for replying a month after the fact. I only found your
message just now in an overflowing mailbox.
Colin Watson wrote:
> I think, at minimum, we ought to be able to have certain privileges
> attached to translations of source packages for those who can upload
> them to the re
Milo Casagrande wrote:
>> From: Adi Roiban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> I have create the following blueprint thinking that at the next UDS we
>> can discuss the relation of this new groups with the already well
>> established Ubuntu Translators groups.
>> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/rosetta/+spec/
David Planella wrote:
> What it boils down to is something that I feel has been always missing
> in the Ubuntu translation process, and is a team or an individual who
> acts as a coordinator between the translators and the developers. The
That, to me, is the heart of the problem. The Ubuntu tran
Colin Watson wrote:
Hi Colin,
Thanks for this wonderful explanation. One note:
> I would like this to be documented somewhere for translators, but I
> don't know where it should be documented. If you do, feel free to write
> it up and I can review it for accuracy.
The template descriptions in
Bruno Patri wrote:
>> For instance, we just discovered that a bunch of KDE files used a bit of
>> syntax that our parser couldn't handle: "#~|" to mark old msgids of
>> messages that are both fuzzy and obsolete. So we stripped out the
>> offending lines and re-uploaded just the affected files.
Gabor Kelemen wrote:
> David Planella írta:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to upload a couple of PO files without success. It seems
>> that the problem with the timeouts has come back.
> I can see it too:
> (Error ID: OOPS-1026D4336) -> published upload to app-install-data
We're investigating an
Timo Jyrinki wrote:
> Is there any idea why the queue every now and then seems stalled? Like
> now with
> https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+imports?field.filter_status=APPROVED&field.filter_extension=all
> - is there a constant flow of new kde-packages put in front of the
> queue
Gabor Kelemen wrote:
> I understand that, but
> -the problem still exists
> -then it should be solved some other way: how about grabbing the
> translations exported for language packs, putting them back into the
> last sources and recompiling only with this change?
That's still a pretty long feed
Gabor Kelemen wrote:
> The gweather location's translations are taken from an xml file, which
> is filled with translations at compile time. Launchpad however doesn't
> seem to export and put translations back to the sources before compiling
> the package, so updated translations are not used at a
David Planella wrote:
> based on Timo Jyrinki's recent e-mail encouraging translators to
> report issues, I have created a page in the "TranslatingUbuntu" space
> listing the current l10n problems on Intrepid ->
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TranslatingUbuntu/IntrepidTranslationIssues.
> Please fee
S'orlok Reaves wrote:
> Hello,
>I hope I'm emailing the right list; Ubuntu has so
> many.
>The Burmese Translation Team (ubuntu-l10n-my@)
> would like to be registered on the Ubuntu Translation
> Group's page:
> https://translations.launchpad.net/+groups/ubuntu-translators
What you'r
Kenneth Nielsen wrote:
> Isn't manually uploading to compensate for lack of automatic
> integration of upstream translations, a bit like peeing in your pants
> to stay warm? As far as I know, as soon as you upload manually it
> counts as a LP translation, which means that all the usual fun and
> h
Matthew East wrote:
> Ok, fine. I've noticed that the queue has 1115 po files marked as
> "Failed": these look like the po files which were uploaded with the
> ubuntu-docs package. Any idea why these failed?
Most of them simply didn't have the revision dates in their headers
updated, which shoul
Matthew East wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 11:19 AM, Jeroen Vermeulen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It largely depends on how much of the overall translation work the pending
>> imports will cover. The lower the ratio, the more sense it makes to
>> prioritize the
Matthew East wrote:
> Jeroen: there are still 4 pot files to be imported and over 1000 po
> files: what are the chances these will all be done by Sunday 19?
Just checking: these were the ubuntu-docs ones, right? I had their
priority bumped up, but I think they would have been imported by then i
Milo Casagrande wrote:
> Looking at the import queue of synaptic, there's only one pot file but it's
> in need review from June... So, I think this one _should_ be up to date.
If it's in "need review," that means it's not been approved for import.
Which means it's a version of the template th
Matthew East wrote:
> As for translations, in past releases we have traditionally tended to
> download translations at the LanguagePackTranslationDeadline (in this
> case 23 October) rather than the earlier deadline. In particular given
> the recent problems, I think we should do that again, I'll
Matthew East wrote:
>>> I would have thought that pot templates should be given priority over
>>> po templates in the queue.
>> There is a problem with that: it means that people start translating without
>> seeing what work is already done but waiting for import. So you could end
>> up with the
Matthew East wrote:
> The queue hasn't decreased at all since my last post, it's now at 1174
> following a few manual uploads.
That's because of their place in the overall queue. There are still a
bit over 3,000 files in front of the first ubuntu-docs uploads, so it'll
be at least another day
Timo Jyrinki wrote:
Just a quick update:
> Progress, yes, but there are still (at this moment) over 40 thousand
> PO or POT files queued for import:
> https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+imports?field.filter_status=APPROVED&field.filter_extension=all
That's down to about 36600 no
Matthew East wrote:
> Danilo,
> There are still 1171 items in the ubuntu-docs queue. Is there anything
> that can be done?
It looks like they're simply waiting for the importer to get to them.
The server that does that work is under heavy load and so far, we
haven't had much luck in finding m
Timo Jyrinki wrote:
> As the KDE4 pot:s seem to be imported now (though po files not yet),
> there's "only" 132 "Needs review" pot:s queued. Of those, I'd like to
> point out this one:
> https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/app-install-data-ubuntu/+imports
> ...just beca
Jochen Skulj wrote:
> Can you tell me if the translations of the ubuntu-doc package were taken
> over from hardy to intrepid? Our translators worked in the last weeks
> and even the last days on the hardy translation in the hope this
> translations would be taken over to intrepid.
> If there wa
David Planella wrote:
> when are the upstream (e.g. Gnome) translations going to be imported
> to Intrepid? Only after the 2.24.0 and 2.24.1 release dates?
> And how many such importations are there going to be? I mean, are the
> upstream translation data going to be imported on a periodic basi
Open now. Devastated to have kept you all waiting. We're working to
make sure this doesn't happen again!
ubuntu-translators mailing list
Milo Casagrande wrote:
> --- Mar 1/7/08, Matthew East <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:
>> The problem with that is that because of the fact that
>> translations
>> from upstream are generally not imported immediately in
>> Ubuntu, and
>> the solution is often for the translation team to upload
>> th
luca (ᴉ) innurindi wrote:
> Good, so the upstream translations remain with their own license, but
> what do you think to do in the cases where an user uploads them after the
> automatic
> import in Launchpad because they weren't complete at that time?
Uploading them again, but as "published." A
nglnx wrote:
> -- Am I correct to assume that suggestions that come from GPL projects will
> be
> visibly flagged regarding potential licensing conflicts?
> -- Also, a related question: when you use a suggestion, does the string
> become
> BSD licensed or does it retain the original li
Matthias Urlichs wrote:
>> There is one small risk: in principle it's possible that you want to
>> translate the exact same string, in the same package, differently in two
>> subsequent Ubuntu releases. If that happens, and later someone comes
>> and updates the translation in the older releas
Imre Kalomista wrote:
> It is not likely that I would want to have the same string translated
> differently in different releases, so I think that the obvious
> advantages of this process outweigh the risks. If I do want to have a
> different translation - can't think of any specific cases but it
Hello translators,
I would like to ask for your feedback on something.
As you are probably aware, when we open a new Ubuntu release for
translation, we start out with a copy of all the translations in the
preceding release. The preceding release remains the preferred
translation target for so
Efrain Valles wrote:
> I have a simple question. Can anyone translate to a specific language
> from another language other than English?.
Not in Launchpad, no. That is not going to change. You'd have to
translate to English first, and start using the English as the original
empty string.
A fix for the bug is scheduled to be released on December 19. If you
run into any trouble, please reply to this email.
Jeroen Vermeulen
Launchpad Translations team
ubuntu-translators mailing list
gency fix, since the problem is rare and the workaround is better
practice anyway, but I will continue to keep track and to notify
affected translators. For Ubuntu translations, those notifications will
come through this list.
Thank you,
Jeroen Vermeulen
Launchpad Translation team
David Planella wrote:
> * http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10690374/ca.po (timer-applet)
> * http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10690285/ca.po (gnome-panel)
> * http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10690351/serpentine-ca.po (serpentine)
> * http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10690366/olive-gtk-ca.po (olive-gtk)
David Planella wrote:
> is there any way to find out why an import failed?
> I uploaded a timer-applet translation at
> https://translations.launchpad.net/timer-applet/head/+pots/timer-applet/ca/+translate,
> and it got marked as "Failed" on my import queue.
> However, I didn't receive any e
Hugh Shang wrote:
> I am not an guy in IT, but I want to contribute to Ubuntu Community, so I
> chose to be a Chinese translator.
> It seems that I can only make 'suggestions' when I translate something for
> Ubuntu 6.10 or something like that.
> Does anybody understand me? What can be a help
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