Confirmed. I remember the same during upgrade to Quantal.
2012/9/28 Ibrahim Saed
> Confirm this please:
> Are this happen to anyone?
> --
> ubuntu-translators mailing list
> https://lists.ubun
Confirm this please:
Are this happen to anyone?
ubuntu-translators mailing list
Hi Dylan,
as a translator I'll give my +1 because these changes are important,
but please let's avoid this the next cycle. UIFEs are really annoying
when happening this late, and don't expect us to have all translations
ready for release.
On Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 1:23 PM, Dylan McCall wrote:
> Hi
Sorry to keep raising questions like this on the list, but I didn't manage
to assign the bug to Ubuntu-translators.
To sum up what's below, Evolution translations are not in sync with Gnome,
leading to duplication of effort.
Is it working as intended or is
Dear translators,
A recent ubiquity upload has fixed a i18n bug [0]. The accessibility
indicator in the top bar in ubiquity-only mode was not using any
translations, and always showed the English strings. This has now been
fixed and the strings used in that indicator are now part of the
ubiquity t