Chuck Short:
does not get the orig.tar.gz or diff.gz correctly. Of course, it's not really
a repository, so the directory paths being different from the *.dsc file may be
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/pub/inet/Linux
Chuck Short:
One thing I noticed with your PPA is that the battery.charge alternates
between 100 and 0 quite often:
upsc [EMAIL PROTECTED] battery.charge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/init.d# upsc [EMAIL PROTECTED] battery.charge
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/init.d# upsc [EMAIL PROTECTED] battery.charge
Yes, the problem still persists.
I can enter member name 鮑致同 and submit from Membership Management > Membership
List. The returned page will then show 鮑致同.
I am not using the patch currently. The problem persists in the
Membership List anyway. If it gets fixed there, it should be fixed
after t