EC pool is 3+1, and cache is with 2 replicas. default crush rules.
I decreased cache to few gigs and [semi]idle cpu usage decreased
dramaticaly. So I think it is not a bug, but related to how cache works.
I think we can call it "verification-done", unless someone else have
You re
I just recently upgraded to proposed 0.80.1 instead of ppa.
There are no scrubbing problems in new version.
But my cpu problem looks like is not solved. I suspect cache or erasure
coded pools are responsible for problem. But currently I also doing
backfilling and data migration so I am not comple
"osd: revert incomplete scrub fix (Samuel Just)"
about cpu usage, I think this one (but not sure, but I use tiering and disks
were idle when CPU usage was high, also OSD restart didn't help (tried twice),
upgrade to 0.80.1 helped, all
I tested proposed packages on my cluster. I hit 2 bugs with it:
some PGs stuck in deep-scrub
high cpu usage on OSDs
I upgraded to 0.80.1 from PPA, cpu bug did not occur there yet, will see
about deep-scrubing. These bugs are known for upstream and were
addressed in 0.80.1. I suggest moving 0.