Re: [Ubuntu-phone] WiFi Calling - most wanted mobile-phone feature

2013-07-30 Thread Lars Knudsen
Making it possible to flip these things manually should be possible - and I even think Symbian supports something like that, where you can define "connection groups" that each have fallback/prioritized network connections. Making it work smoothly automatically (for the avg user) might be a bit mor

Re: [Ubuntu-phone] browser does not support webgl

2013-06-21 Thread Lars Knudsen
Works fine here - but there might not be webgl support in qtwebkit shipping with qt5.0. There is also a difference between the QML WebView (WK2, QML) and QWebView (WK1, C++) and it *could* be that WebGL is supported in one but not the other. I suggest downloading the Qt5.1 RC1 and trying out the

Re: [Ubuntu-phone] browser does not support webgl

2013-06-21 Thread Lars Knudsen
WebKit (and now Blink) cover >85% of the mobile browser use - while Firefox seems to be slightly lower (0.01% .. maybe not 100% accurate - but pretty far from WebKit in usage %'age) 1. Any mobile WebApps developer today will target iOS and Android first. Having a technology that is sharing the co

Re: [Ubuntu-phone] or WebKit ?

2013-04-08 Thread Lars Knudsen
Well - let's see how popular this (Servo) will be. WebApps developers will target the big masses first. Yes, everyone is supposed to follow the standards... but there will always be differences, both between webkit ports and versions - but even more so when jumping to other engines. The current

Re: [Ubuntu-phone] or WebKit ?

2013-04-08 Thread Lars Knudsen
Hi, It still makes sense to stick with snowshoe/qtwebkit - at least for the first release. Several reasons: 1. Qt and QtWebKit is - by far - the easiest framework and port to work with (still) when you do hybrid webkit/app integration 2. blink will most probably get a load of fixes/changes in th

Re: [Ubuntu-phone] [design] rotation

2013-02-26 Thread Lars Knudsen
What happens when an iPad/iPhone is connected to a tv and the iPhone is in portrait mode (or via the wifi to an appletv)? I am not saying that Apple always has the answer, but they usually have pretty good solutions to these things. (this also goes for the multi-screen games, etc.) - Lars On

Re: [Ubuntu-phone] Introduction and Initial Questions

2013-02-15 Thread Lars Knudsen
It has been listed that Nexus 4 will be supported. Should we also buy "nexux 3"'s? - Lars On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 10:25 PM, Daniel Dressler <> wrote: > The inital release will only support the Galexy Nexus. Sources will be > released and canonical's hope is that xda-

[Ubuntu-phone] [RSS Feed Reader] Team intro

2013-02-12 Thread Lars Knudsen
Hi team , should we do an introduction round? I'm Lars Knudsen, ex-Nokia employee. The last two years in Nokia was spent on the N9 browser (Qt4.8, QML, WebKit2) and QtWebKit in general. I am now in my own company, working as a contractor and - in parallel - working on saving the 3rd