Any idea on the status or ETA for the stable move to xenial in ubuntu touch?
Any idea how the current xenial images are running on mako?
I need to use some features that are only available in xenial and was
wondering what are my options to have it working for december...
Best Regar
On 11/15/2016 01:30 PM, Roman Shchekin wrote:
> Hello!
> Did somebody note that ActivityIndicator component became invisible with
> the latest official update?
> Example code:
> ...
> ActivityIndicator{
> running:true
> anchors.horizontalCenter:parent.horizontalCenter
> }
I did subscribe to the "bug" but I don't know how relevant it is, since it's
not a bug but more a proposition ...
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On samedi, 19 novembre, 2016 Peter Bittner wrote:
Hi Ali,
> I want to change dialer-app project for UbuntuTouch to add a voice
> encryption when calling.
I would say that the currently expected way to achieve this is by
implementing telepathy plugins, and may be in the future the platform could
be opened to be user configurable with respect of which plugins it uses for
different types of communication (text, voice, video). Of course this
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