[Ubuntu-manual] Revisions

2010-02-25 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Hi folks, I'm new to the team (just finished configuring my machine this afternoon), and will be acting as another proofreader/copyeditor on Jamin's team. I recently filed three revisions using bazaar (#s 321, 322, and 323) but they haven't appeared on the revisions list for the main branch in La

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] Revisions

2010-02-25 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Now they are! I just reviewed the bazaar commands everyone sent, and managed to push /commit my changes. Thanks to everyone for your patience and support. In the future, I will not be making multiple tiny changes (rather, I will focus on larger revisions at longer intervals), but today was about

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] Revisions

2010-02-25 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
onflicts. > > On 26/02/2010 11:52 AM, "Bryan Behrenshausen" > wrote: > > Now they are!  I just reviewed the bazaar commands everyone sent, and > managed to push /commit my changes.  Thanks to everyone for your > patience and support.  In the future, I will not be ma

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] Revisions

2010-02-25 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Yes. So far, it's working very much like that! Result! Now I need only worry about how to transfer my OpenGPG and SSH keys with me when I reformat the computer and upgrade to Lucid next month. But that's an adventure for another day. ___ Mailing list:

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] Website mockups

2010-02-28 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Benjamin, Very impressive indeed! Clean, simple, extremely usable. I like. Bryan ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual Post to : ubuntu-manual@lists.launchpad.net Unsubscribe : https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual More help : h

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] M-m-meeting!

2010-03-06 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Hi all, I'm certainly looking forward to meeting with all of you today. I am having some serious Internet trouble today, but hope to have it resolved by 2000 UTC. (This is the first message I've been able to send after more than an hour of tinkering; I hope it reaches all of you.) Bryan __

[Ubuntu-manual] Bizarre Bazaar Error

2010-03-07 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Hi all, I'm trying to push my recent commits to Launchpad and am receiving this error: br...@bryan-aspire:~/Projects/ubuntu-manual$ bzr push lp:ubuntu-manual bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged. See "bzr help diverged-branches" for more information. What should I do? Bryan _

[Ubuntu-manual] [Blueprint chapter9] Chapter 9 - Learning more about Ubuntu

2010-03-12 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Blueprint changed by Bryan Behrenshausen: Whiteboard changed: Bryan Behrenshausen assigned as editor - Decision at 3/6 meeting to remove information on additional applications + # Decision at 3/6 meeting to remove information on additional + applications -- Chapter 9 - Learning more about

[Ubuntu-manual] [Blueprint chapter9] Chapter 9 - Learning more about Ubuntu

2010-03-14 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Blueprint changed by Bryan Behrenshausen: Whiteboard changed: Bryan Behrenshausen assigned as editor # Decision at 3/6 meeting to remove information on additional applications + + # Writing is nearly complete as of 3/14 -- Chapter 9 - Learning more about Ubuntu https

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] Name Drop!

2010-03-19 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Hi team, Did anyone else happen to catch Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols' column in "Computer World" today? In it, he names the Ubuntu Manual one of this top five favorite features of Lucid Lynx. Have a look: http://blogs.computerworld.com/15784/the_new_ubuntu_linuxs_five_best_features Just a littl

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] Name Drop!

2010-03-19 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
As a follow-up to my previous mailing, I should note that Bruce Byfield also mentions the manual in his column here: http://itmanagement.earthweb.com/osrc/article.php/12068_3871481_1/Ubuntu-Lucid-Lynx-Ubuntus-Most-Innovative.htm A snippet: "In the drive towards usability, Lucid is also reaching

[Ubuntu-manual] [Blueprint chapter8] Chapter 8 - Troubleshooting

2010-03-21 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Blueprint changed by Bryan Behrenshausen: Whiteboard changed: - Incorporated first round of comments. - Looking for further editing + any last minute section. - - Need help with part about Computer Janitor. + Superedit on Sunday, March 21 Requires screenshots. -- Chapter 8

[Ubuntu-manual] [Blueprint chapter9] Chapter 9 - Learning more about Ubuntu

2010-03-22 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Blueprint changed by Bryan Behrenshausen: Assignee: (none) => Bryan Behrenshausen -- Chapter 9 - Learning more about Ubuntu https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/+spec/chapter9 ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual P

[Ubuntu-manual] [Bug 545983] Re: Something is not right in page 124

2010-03-29 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
I introduced this change because all information regarding sudo has been removed from Chapter 7 (Security). This information was redundant with that located in the chapter on the command line. If this is something new users should know, I suggest adding it to Chapter 6. -- Something is not righ

[Ubuntu-manual] [Bug 571524] Re: Open Source definition is inaccurate

2010-04-29 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
These comments from doctormo are valuable; however, while some address inaccuracies in the description, others simply expand the scope of the description more broadly than a beginning user may need or even wish. The initial draft of this section included information about free software and explanat

[Ubuntu-manual] [Bug 571524] Re: Open Source definition is inaccurate

2010-04-29 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
I agree that neither description is perfect, Martin, but I do think it's worth noting that the FSF explicitly refuses to endorse Ubuntu, which it claims does not adhere to the foundation's definition of "free software." Granted, their reasons for this seem to focus more on Canonical's endorsement

[Ubuntu-manual] [Bug 571524] Re: Open Source definition is inaccurate

2010-04-29 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
I've just pushed the first of what will undoubtedly be many re-writes of the section. Please have a look and provide feedback if you can. -- Open Source definition is inaccurate https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/571524 You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Manual Te

[Ubuntu-manual] [Bug 571524] Re: Open Source definition is inaccurate

2010-04-29 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Oops. I forgot to address your previous comment (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual/+bug/571524/comments/4). I understand your preference for FOSS; however, I'm reluctant to drop an acronym like that into a beginner's manual without proper explanation. And such explanation would inevitably

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] [Ubuntu Manual Editors] Full steam ahead!

2010-09-04 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Hi all, I am happy to once again proof and edit the manual after the writing freeze, but would prefer to stick to my familiar terrain -- chapters 7, 8, and 9. My time will be a bit more limited this cycle (because of newly instantiated scholastic obligations), so I would love to have help. Howev

[Ubuntu-manual] Tonight's Meeting

2010-09-19 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Hi friends, I regret that I'll be unable to attend this evening's scheduled meeting. I realize that this meeting is very important, and am disappointed that my schoolwork will prohibit me from joining all of you. Is anyone taking minutes? I would love to get caught up on new business by tomorro

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] Meeting Minutes

2010-09-19 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Thanks, Luke, for posting this link. I was pleased to be able to review the meeting notes. I do have one suggestion/request for the upcoming crowd-sourced beta test: When releasing a pdf copy of the manual to the public, can we work to ensure that only one (perhaps two) versions of the beta manua

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] Maverick Manual - Pre-release download for proof reading.

2010-10-05 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Thanks, Chris! On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 8:18 AM, Chris Woollard wrote: > Dear Ubuntu Manual Project Team, > > I have created a pdf of the Maverick Manual as it stands at the moment for > proof reading. > > You can download it here -> > http://dl.dropbox.com/u/382986/ubuntu-manual/UbuntuManual.html

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] Donation button on new website, $1.00 profit on printed books to cover team costs

2010-10-08 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
As long as readers and customers clearly understand how profits from manual sales are being used, I'm fine with this too. ___ Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual Post to : ubuntu-manual@lists.launchpad.net Unsubscribe : https://launchp

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] Few doubts

2010-10-11 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Rohit, Welcome to the project. We thank you for your help in getting the Maverick edition of the manual out the door! Please see the following link (from Chris Wollard) for a list of tasks that need to be completed. http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/ump-10-10-pr-log Bryan _

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] Wake up Project !

2010-10-22 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Hi all, A few weeks ago I edited "Advanced Topics" and "Learning More," and these should be ready for a final read-through from someone. I can attest that they are GRAMMATICALLY ready for publication; however, I'd feel more comfortable giving them a stamp of approval if I knew the TECHNICAL detai

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] Releasing manuals less often, ditching translations

2010-11-01 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
I agree with the general consensus that reducing the number of annual releases will not solve our problems (in fact, like others, I believe such a move will only exacerbate those problems and introduce others). Our most pressing problems are infrastructural, as we've previously discussed. Barrier

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] Releasing manuals less often, ditching translations

2010-11-01 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Hi all, My email was being wonky today. Below is a response to this recent discussion, sent (or attempted) earlier today. I don't know if it went out. (If it didn't -- thank goodness! I took the time to fix some embarrassing spelling errors.) == I agree with the general consensus tha

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] Manual Team Meeting (12th Feb 2011)

2011-02-12 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
I'll be unable to attend, but look forward to reading the meeting minutes and contributing in whatever way I can. On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 1:12 PM, c7p wrote: > Meeting reminder, see you in less than two hours. > > -John > > ___ > Mailing list: https://l

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] Ubuntu Manual Project Job Openings

2011-03-01 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Dear Chris (and everyone who helped with this): A round of applause for producing such important, detailed work -- particularly in such a short amount of time. I'm looking forward to seeing what kinds of responses it generates. Bryan On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 4:34 PM, Chris Woollard wrote: > Even

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] Ubuntu Manual Team Meeting - March

2011-03-13 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Thanks, Chris, for the notes. I couldn't get to my computer in time for the meeting today, but look forward to talking about the Natty roadmap next meeting. On Sun, Mar 13, 2011 at 6:09 PM, Chris Woollard wrote: > > Dear Manual Team, > The minutes of this evening's meeting can be found at the be

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] New Ubuntu Manual Team members

2011-03-26 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Welcome, new members! I'm excited to see the project gaining momentum once again. The future looks bright indeed. Bryan On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 8:02 PM, Kevin Godby wrote: > Hello, everyone. > > In late 2009, Benjamin Humphrey founded the Ubuntu Manual Project and > served as its leader until

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] 10.10 Maverick Manual Freeze Date Announced - 11.04 Natty Ubuntu Manual Milestones Announced

2011-05-01 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Thanks, Rick, for sending these dates. Would it be possible to add all these milestones to the Google calendar we generated last week? Having these dates in front of me several times each day would help ensure I don't miss a writing or editing deadline. Thanks to everyone for all this planning.

[Ubuntu-manual] CommodoreUSA Using "Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.10"?

2011-07-30 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Hi friends, I spent this morning watching (and drooling over) unboxing/review videos of the new Commodore 64 (http://www.commodoreusa.net/CUSA_C64.aspx), and believe I caught a glimpse of our manual in use! The new Commodore 64 ships with Ubuntu 10.10 installed, and in this video review of the un

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] CommodoreUSA Using "Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.10"?

2011-07-31 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Hi Kevin, > I looked at that section of the video frame by frame and based on the > revision date on the copyright page, it looks like it's the PDF from > our website. > > It also appears that they may have cropped the page size a bit.  I'm > not sure if the material in the margins (side notes and

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] Commodore 64x manual

2011-08-02 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
y additional print runs, etc. and we would > certainly welcome your input at that time. > Thanks for your email and please stay in touch, > Yours, > Harry S. Hawk > >> From: Kevin Godby >> Date: July 31, 2011 5:47:27 PM EDT >> Subject: Commodore 64x manual >> &g

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] Ubuntu-Manual: The Ubuntu Desktop Workshop

2011-08-10 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
This is a fantastic idea. I regret that I'll be on vacation when this sessions occurs. Bryan On Wed, Aug 10, 2011 at 5:00 AM, Benjamin Donald-Wilson wrote: > Hi Rick, > > If possible could you add something around to 0800 GMT time for sat/sun? > === > Thanks, > > > Ben Donald-Wilson

[Ubuntu-manual] Inspiration

2011-08-13 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Hi Team, Just a quick note to let you know that Macworld recently released its "Total Lion Super Guide," which aims to do for OS X users what we hope to do for Ubuntu newcomers. A free preview of the guide is available at: https://store6.esellerate.net/store/checkout/CustomLayout.aspx?s=STR09852

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] [Ubuntu Manual] What's the status of your chapter/section ?

2011-10-15 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Hi All, "Learning More" needs little work, and I should be able to complete it shortly. I am adding sections covering the wider Ubuntu community (Full Circle Magazine, OMG! Ubuntu!, The Ubuntu UK Podcast, etc.), and a small section detailing ways in which readers can become manual contributors.

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] I would like to assist in this project

2011-10-27 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
I've recently updated chapter 8, "Learning More," to include information regarding contributions to the manual. The new section of the chapter simply points readers to the project's home page, which features extensive instructions for doing things like downloading branches, installing tools, etc.

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] Getting Started with Ubuntu 11.10 has been released

2012-03-28 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Congratulations, team! On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 4:56 AM, Kevin Godby wrote: > Good news, everyone! > > The Ubuntu Manual team is proud to announce the release of Getting > Started with Ubuntu 11.10. > > Getting Started with Ubuntu 11.10 is a comprehensive beginner's guide > for the Ubuntu operatin

Re: [Ubuntu-manual] Getting Started with Ubuntu 12.04 is now available!

2012-06-30 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Congratulations, team! On Jun 30, 2012 4:20 PM, "John" wrote: > On 06/30/2012 11:05 PM, Kevin Godby wrote: > >> Hello, everyone. >> >> Getting Started with Ubuntu 12.04 has been published! You can >> download a copy of the new manual from our website at >> or purchase

[Ubuntu-manual] Stepping Down

2012-07-22 Thread Bryan Behrenshausen
Hi team, As another jam-packed academic term looms on the horizon, I believe it's time for me to admit -- not only to you but also to myself -- that I will no longer be able to assist the project. I will soon take on a number of new, exciting endeavors as part of my doctoral studies, and these wil