In update-manager some packages marked as 'new install'. I think, this
packages always depend on currently installed ones. Therefore, why
wouldn't mark new packages as auto-installed? This will prevent the
accumulation of unused packages in the system.
Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list
In this resolution icons of main menus items have sizes bigger than I
want. This sizes hard coded in Human theme as gtk-icon-sizes =
"panel-menu=24,24:gtk-button=16,16". To change this behavior I must
edit Human theme. Is this Ubuntu way?
Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list
I as many users want to try different compiz effects (e.g. 3D
desktop). Why wouldn't include configuration utility for this in
Ubuntu distribution? I prefer to use compizconfig-settings-manager,
but it may be something else.
Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list
At 1024x768 the main menu items have large icons. I find out that icon
sizes hard coded in Human theme as 'gtk-icon-sizes =
"panel-menu=24,24:gtk-button=16,16"'. So, to change 'panel-menu' and
'gtk-button' I must
edit Human theme, because '~/.gtkrc-2.0' can not override
gtk-icon-sizes. Why wouldn'
'simple-ccsm' is very simple to use configuration utility for compiz.
It must be shipped by default with Ubuntu.
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Can you move the line 'gtk-icon-sizes =
"panel-menu=24,24:gtk-button=16,16"' from the Human theme to
'/etc/gtk-2.0/gtkrc'. In this case, these parameters can be overridden
in '~/.gtkrc-2.0'. Only Human theme force 'gtk-icon-sizes' :(
Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list
Is there simple way to do this job without using terminal or download
key in browser and then open it? I mean directly paste signing key's
link or fingerprint (launchpad) to software sources dialog.
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