pls someone take a look at:
Is that change wanted in Ubuntu?
bye Thilo
key: 0x4A
Thilo Six wrote the following on 24.07.2008 11:28
> Hello
> pls someone take a look at:
> http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.linux.debian.user/330437
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shadow/+bug/238755
> specifically:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+s
* cronjobs are broken for system that has a 'passwd -l root' with hardy
* the implematation of the patch that changed 'passwd -l' is broken:
Matt Zimmerman wrote the following on 01.08.2008 13:05
<- *snip* ->
> The bug is targeted for fixing in 8.04.
Thanks Matt.
bye Thilo
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Mackenzie Morgan wrote the following on 02.01.2009 19:09
> On Fri, 2009-01-02 at 10:34 -0700, Charlie Kravetz wrote:
>> On Fri, 2 Jan 2009 20:12:04 +0530
>> shirish wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I just wanna direct your attention to a bug filed
>>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/
since i do not exactly where to adress this i post here (since it is in main)
nano needs a sync i think.
currently in feisty: nano (2.0.1-1)
here is the changelog from debian unstable:
nano (2.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium
* The "Compromís pel País Valencià" release.
* New upstre
Colin Watson wrote the following on 07.02.2007 11:25:
> Looks reasonable. I've synced this; thanks.
I´ve to say: thank you!
bye Thilo
i am on Ubuntu 2.6 KDE
- some friend of mine
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is realy neat.
bye Thilo
i am on Ubuntu 2.6 KDE
- some friend of mine
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Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list
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Thilo Six wrote the following on 18.03.2007 12:21:
> hi
> http://www.ubuntu.com
> is realy neat.
and what realy good is that visited links are much better readable even when
"underline links" is turned off.
Thanks ;)
> bye Thilo
i am on Ub
Mehdi wrote the following on 18.03.2007 12:32:
> oh yes i didn't mentioned it but you can also install a language
> extension ! and you'll have your firefox with what ever language you want.
> --
> Mehdi Dogguy
...and you forget to mention that users who install that firefox should
request sup
Mehdi wrote the following on 18.03.2007 13:16:
> no ... i didn't because it's no so important .. asher does only compile
> packages for dapper and other versions, he did not change the source
> code ! so in case of bugs, you'll refer to mozilla ! that's my point of
> view !
sorry i think you didn´
not sure if this is intended or a bug therefore asking here:
since i have installed feisty and open up the online hwdb record for my
machine it allways tells me:
Ubuntu hardware database entry : xxx
This is an interim pa
Jonathan Jesse wrote the following on 14.04.2007 23:06:
> If I recall correctly that placeholder existed for Edgy as well
placeholder means the data gets received correctly?
That´s what i am wondering about.
bye Thilo
i am on Ubuntu 2.6 KDE
- some friend of mine
gpg key: 0x4A411E09
John Richard Moser wrote the following on 18.04.2007 04:50:
> o ShipIt can ship CD-RWs during the development cycle. These CD-RWs
> would use special ShipIt-RW art, indicating the disc utilizes CD-RW
> storage to house the Ubuntu Operating System.
> o ShipIt-RW artwork woul
Thilo Six wrote the following on 18.04.2007 19:05:
> John Richard Moser wrote the following on 18.04.2007 04:50:
>> snip>
>> o ShipIt can ship CD-RWs during the development cycle. These CD-RWs
>> would use special ShipIt-RW art, indicating the disc ut
Alec Wright wrote the following on 19.05.2007 12:10:
> Is anyone else having these problems in gutsy: http://pastebin.ca/496576
> Should I file a bug report?
Broken dependencies are quite usual in development releases.
package A gets updated and now has new dependencies (higher versions or e
Alec Wright wrote the following on 19.05.2007 12:46:
>> Since developers only can work serial on packages these things get usually
>> (from my experience) sorted out in a short days.
> I've been getting these messages for weeks now, so I'll file a bug
> report.
$ aptitude update
$ aptitude in
Today i did some triage a came across apport generated bugs.
Following request/suggestion:
apport adds some environment data to the bug report (ExecutablePath, $PATH
I was told that in some circumstances an apport bug can have less usefull
information e.g. when that report was gen
Brian Murray wrote the following on 23.05.2007 22:36
>> Hello
>> Today i did some triage a came across apport generated bugs.
>> Following request/suggestion:
>> apport adds some environment data to the bug report (ExecutablePath, $PATH
>> kernel).
>> I was told that in some circumstances an a
The kernel security update [USN-464-1] is missing s.th.
$ sudo aptitude show linux-generic | grep depend
Depends: linux-image-generic, linux-restricted-modules-generic
$ sudo aptitude show linux-image-generic | grep depen
Depends: linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic
Thilo Six wrote the following on 26.05.2007 23:27
> Hello
> The kernel security update [USN-464-1] is missing s.th.
> $ sudo aptitude show linux-generic | grep depend
> Depends: linux-image-generic, linux-restricted-modules-generic
> $ sudo aptitude show linux-im
Thilo Six wrote the following on 27.05.2007 10:31
> Thilo Six wrote the following on 26.05.2007 23:27
>> Hello
>> The kernel security update [USN-464-1] is missing s.th.
>> $ sudo aptitude show linux-generic | grep depend
>> Depends: linux-image-ge
Stephan Hermann wrote the following on 27.05.2007 11:08
since my mail to devel got stock at the listmaster i resend here.
(pls note i have added an other important link)
>> >> I'd like to propose moving xmms into universe. There is no longer
>> >> any upstream development[1] (and as such, securi
Matt Zimmerman wrote the following on 27.05.2007 22:48
>> now i
>> $ aptitude install linux-image-2.6.20-16-generic
>> and now nvidia is broken !!
> You installed the new kernel, but forgot to install the corresponding
> restricted-modules package.
sorry if i exaggerated a bit but i got thi
(``-_-´´) -- Fernando wrote the following on 19.06.2007 18:50
> I'm sorry, but I like the old status name better!!
> Cant we keep them or at least have a poll about it?
>> * Unconfirmed -> New
>> * Needs Info -> Incomplete
>> * Rejected -> Invalid
Just because you get used to it doesn´t make
Thilo Six wrote the following on 27.05.2007 15:11
> even Gentoo has purged xmms from their tree (i think half year ago).
> But when we decide to go for removing xmms we probably want to make a
> corresponding announce via UWN in advance to prepare users for it.
> http://www.
Scott Kitterman wrote the following on 16.09.2007 00:43
> I use locate regularly on desktops and servers. If there are locate
> variants that update synchronously rather than once a day, I say looking
> into that is the best answer.
would that slowdown file operations (mv, rm, cp)?
> It w
Milan wrote the following on 15.09.2007 16:54
> 3) when not on battery
Just for the record. On feisty the cron is not started when on battery here,
unless i plug the power cable in.
> Milan
key: 0x4A411E09
Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list
> I don´t know if that already happens, but the same way updatedb could be
> instructed to do a 'delta' only and leave unchanged files alone (instead of
> update the whole db each time).
# time /etc/cron.weekly/slocate
sys 0m0.581s
# time /etc/cron.weekly/s
Sitsofe Wheeler wrote the following on 30.09.2007 19:14
> On Thu, 2007-09-27 at 09:46 +0200, Waldemar Kornewald wrote:
>> I once reported a bug about this, but Justin Wray suggested that I
>> discuss this on a mailing list, first.
> Curious. I filed a bug about disabling periodic fscks (as most
Waldemar Kornewald wrote the following on 01.10.2007 00:08
> If you want fsck then you should be able to turn it on, but please
> don't assume that anyone else wants to have fsck enabled, by default.
> As many people have reported, it takes awfully long to boot with fsck
> and that's i
Sitsofe Wheeler wrote the following on 01.10.2007 21:10
> Here's a variation on your theme. There are three types of people in the
> world:
> Those who don't do backups.
> Those who do backups.
you seem to miss the important point
> > second ones never had a harddisc fai
after upgrading du gutsy i now got these messages everytime when doing
aptitude things:
Processing triggers for libc6 ...
ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
Anyone knows about that?
I have heard
Aurelien Naldi wrote the following on 01.10.2007 22:07
> Some package installed a lib and require ldconfig to be run, thanks to
> the trigger system ldconfig is now ran only once, when all packages have
> been installed (same for the update of the initramfs).
> This should make large u
Nicolas Deschildre wrote the following on 10.11.2007 07:06
> Thanks for the pointer.
> But then, why not use this password feature by default to avoid anyone
> to edit boot parameter and become root?
because it´s as easy as to plugin a LiveCD and overcome that.
key: 0x4A4
Milan wrote the following on 10.11.2007 16:56
> All in all, I'd rather suggest to activate password-locked GRUB, but I
> understand this question is hard to decide. Does anybody see other
> agruments on both sides?
helping users on mailing lists or irc, with boot problems.
Nicolas Deschildre wrote the following on 11.11.2007 07:22
> On 11/10/07, Thilo Six <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Nicolas Deschildre wrote the following on 10.11.2007 07:06
>> <<-snip->>
>>> Thanks for the pointer.
>>> But the
Nicolas Deschildre wrote the following on 12.11.2007 11:04
> This is EOT for me.
> Nicolas
Nicolas if i sound rude in my last mail i apologize for that.
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With a recent thread on ML i came again across a problem with Thunderbird
that i had myself 1 or 2 years ago.
Thunderbird uses mailbox files to store mails and an aditionally *.msf file
for meta data of that mbox-file.
Now when you delete a mail in TB it only disappears in the mail pane but is
Jan Claeys wrote the following on 05.12.2007 01:09
> Op dinsdag 04-12-2007 om 21:46 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Thilo Six:
>> 2 gig is approximately where we come to filesystem limitations (max
>> size per file)
> Actually, the (default) filesystem file size limit is at
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=406848
> i could create a launchpad bug, too. If that´s desired.
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Alexander Sack wrote the following on 05.12.2007 00:30
>> > Are you sure that new profiles are not getting cleaned up
>> > automatically?
>> >
>> > - Alexander
> actually i am not sure about newly created profiles.
> I will check that out and report back here.
Alexander Sack wrote the following on 05.12.2007 00:30
> Are you sure that new profiles are not getting cleaned up
> automatically?
> - Alexander
actually i am not sure about newly created profiles.
I will check that out and report back here.
key: 0x4A411E09
Thilo Six wrote the following on 04.12.2007 21:46
> I have searched bugzilla.mozilla.org for bugs like that and coulnd´t find
> one. Also on launchpad is no similar bug report it seems.
> So i would like to know is it feasible to solve that somehow?
just fo
Alexander Sack wrote the following on 05.12.2007 00:30
> From what I know, thunderbird compacts folders automatically for some
> time now. It might however be the case that old profiles still rely on
> manual compacting.
> Are you sure that new profiles are not getting cleaned up
> automaticall
Sarah Hobbs wrote the following on 06.12.2007 12:47
> According to [2], the point of contact for users to get in touch with
> developers is ubuntu-devel-discuss.
> That being said, there are a number of developers who choose not to read
> this list, for various reasons.
one contradict th
Alexander Sack wrote the following on 07.12.2007 10:54
> On Wed, Dec 05, 2007 at 08:22:40PM +0100, Thilo Six wrote:
>> started TB - retrived mails, clicked on all folders (no dialog appeared),
>> closed TB
>> $ dum
>> 4 ./extensions
Krzysztof Lichota wrote the following on 17.12.2007 13:05
recently i also tried 7z for my backups and in comparation to bz2 it seems to
take a bit longer during compressing but is faster on extraction.
Also the compressed file with 7z is ~30% compared to a bz2 one.
> It is hard to judge best
Thilo Six wrote the following on 17.12.2007 15:54
> atached is a more detailed analysis trying to compare gz, bz2 and 7z (aka
> LZMA).
> I tried it once for (mostly) textfiles as source and once on a binary file in
> both compressing and extraction.
I did the comparion on binaries
Kristian Erik Hermansen wrote the following on 17.12.2007 23:56
> We are talking about a 10x increase in the time it takes to create
> DEBs if moving from gz -> lzma. Is this acceptable?
deb creation aka compression shouldn´t bother us as much as installing aka
buildds should have eno
Emmet Hikory wrote the following on 18.12.2007 01:51
> On Dec 18, 2007 9:09 AM, Thilo Six wrote:
>> comparation of a whole install (download time + extract time):
>> download time gz (39084/384)= 101.78s + 14.278s = 116.06s
>> download time 7z (27358/384)=
Pär Lidén wrote the following on 30.12.2007 01:29
> By the way, is this the right mailing-list to ask these kind of
> questions? This seemed to be the most suitable, but after looking around
> I start to think that maybe it isn't?
> /Pär
ubuntu-user is better suited for questions like this.
Pär Lidén wrote the following on 30.12.2007 14:48
> So there is no mailing-list devoted to testers of the current
> development version then?
sorry that´s the bit i missed.
according to:
Stephan Hermann wrote the following on 13.01.2008 15:17
> Dear Colleagues,
> as I wrote on http://www.sourcecode.de/content/cdrkit-vs-cdrtools I
> really wonder what way we should go.
> Regarding the non-freeness of cdrtools, we should concentrate on getting
> the cdrkit binaries to the upst
Stephan Hermann wrote the following on 13.01.2008 20:20
Hi Stephan
>> according to packages.ubuntu.com cdrtools isn´t in the archive since edgy and
>> even in edgy it is only a transitional package only iirc.
> This is not correct...according to soyuz:
> https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+sour
Conrad Knauer wrote the following on 23.03.2008 19:46
> I installed Hardy about a week ago and installed from Hardy's repos:
> icedtea-java7-bin (7~b24-1.5+20080118-1)
> icedtea-java7-jre (7~b24-1.5+20080118-1)
> icedtea-java7-plugin (7~b24-1.5+20080118-1)
> But today I noticed that those pa
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