I'm sure, that's very true. That happened even with Jaunty-KArmic
transition. Some of the Keyboard hot-keys that worked finr for me, in the
Jaunty, does not work in KArmic. It seems that Ubuntu is not trying to carry
over the problems related to hardware compatibilities, it had solved in a
prior ve
more stable
and dependable. :)
On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 12:09 PM, Shane Fagan
> On Thu, 2010-04-08 at 11:20 +0530, Saji N wrote:
> > I'm sure, that's very true. That happened even with Jaunty-KArmic
> > transition. Some of the Keyboard hot-keys that worked finr for
I too think that OpenOffice draw is not to be removed. It may be used by a
few but considerable number of people, and as previously said, mostly in
educational and related works. I also agree to Peteris' view that the Dia
interface requires a redesign, to make it more usable to the mainstream