I am using connection sharing to connect my ipod to the internet (wlan
to notebook, umts to internet). After suspending I get bogus values for
my connection sharing.
The developer told me that this is fixed in
commit 64a04447c3d2248ab1aac7f6c220346dad0e1921
Author: Dan Williams
I own a web server with tight space (1GB). Over 300MB are in /usr,
over 25MB in /usr/share/doc. I'd like to remove all files in
/usr/share/doc but unfortunately it is not as easy as removing all
-doc packages.
Is it possible to set up a policy that all packages that have files in
/usr/share/doc sh
>> You can do that relatively easily in Maverick thanks to a new dpkg
>> feature:
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReducingDiskFootprint#Drop%20unnecessary%20files
> Wouldn't it be better/safer to use
> find /usr/share/doc -depth -type f ! -name copyright -delete || true
> find /usr/share/