> On Tue, 2008-04-29 at 11:59 -0400, Cory K. wrote:
> >/ Milan Bouchet-Valat wrote:
> />/ > would basic defaults making
> />/ > jackd output to PulseAudio hurt anybody? Sure it would be slow, it would
> />/ > not be serious at all, but would it allow people that can stand that use
> />/ > JACK then? Others, as you said, will configure it.
> />/ >   
> />/ 
> />/ Yes. It would hurt people expecting a particular latency. Look thorough
> />/ the ubuntu-studio-users mailing list about this. Getting JACK to work
> />/ with PulseAudio is the lesser issue to getting good latency timings.
> />/ 
> />/ In talking to the guys on #jack, #ardour and Paul Davis himself routing
> />/ JACK through Pulse Audio by default is a bad idea. You think this is
> />/ heated? You should have been on IRC when I posed these JACK through PA
> />/ by default questions. ;)
> />/ 
> />/ In Ubuntu Studio we have a wrapper script around jackd to stop Pulse for
> />/ JACK and restart it once done. This is what most users have wanted based
> />/ on feedback.
> />/ 
> />/ If latency isn't an issue, use Jokosher or maybe Audacity. People who
> />/ need to use Ardour need the performance JACK and Ardour can provide
> />/ without added overhead.
> />/ 
> /has anyone thought about setting up a jack/ardour/pulseaudio howto
> somewhere?  as i mentioned in another post  earlier in this thread, i
> don think there is a potential userbase -- podcasters & audio editors --
> for whom ardour would be a really excellent solution, if they could just
> get it to work without lots of fiddling with sounddaemons.  is there
> anyone who agrees with me?
> matt
There was a guide on the forums that worked for Feisty:

Unfortunately, I have not been able to set it up yet though, not even on
Gutsy nor Hardy - so I cannot help you directly...

If someone could help here it would be greatly appreciated!

JACK through PulseAudio for me is the ability to easily jam using a midi
keyboard between ordinary laptop work - if there is 20ms latency I
really don't care - as long as I can jam to Youtube-videos etc...

> >/ -Cory \m/
> />/ 
> /-- 
> Matt Price
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