SV: SV: compatibility issue in environment-modules version 4.1.1-1

2019-05-07 Thread Gösta Ljungdahl
I did what you asked, logged out and logged back in. No change. Still I get module: command not found when I fire up a terminal session. There is an interesting observation, though. These are the details: 1 I removed the symlink I had in /etc/profile.d/ pointing to the initialisation script i

SV: SV: compatibility issue in environment-modules version 4.1.1-1

2019-05-07 Thread Gösta Ljungdahl
Yes, Mint uses LightDM so I will do what you suggest and get back with the result. /Gösta Från: Gunnar Hjalmarsson Skickat: den 6 maj 2019 11:58 Till: Gösta Ljungdahl; Ubuntu Developers Ämne: Re: SV: compatibility issue in environment-modules version 4.1.1-1

Re: compatibility issue in environment-modules version 4.1.1-1

2019-05-07 Thread Gunnar Hjalmarsson
Hi again, Gösta! I do not know how environment-modules is thought to work, but I did a small test to figure out the starting point with sourcing the /etc/profile.d/ file. The first line in that file reads: shell=$(/usr/bin/basename $(/bin/ps -p $$ -ocomm=)) I put that line in a te