Bug 1781699 DHCPv6 server crashes regularly (bionic)

2019-01-13 Thread Steffen Sledz
Hi Debian/Ubuntu isc-dhcp-server maintainers, when will be a fix for available? It is pending for some weeks. :( This is really a critical bug in the Debian/Ubuntu network infrastructure. Thx, Steffen -- Ubuntu-devel-discuss

New libmlpack

2019-01-13 Thread David Albrecht
Hello maintainers, mlpack, a machine learning library, has released a few new versions ( https://github.com/mlpack/mlpack/tree/mlpack-2.2.5). The highest version I see in Ubuntu 16.04 is 2.0.1-1. How can I get the later versions of this released? I've created apt packages before, but never "publi

Re: New libmlpack

2019-01-13 Thread Robie Basak
Hi, On Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 12:22:34PM -0800, David Albrecht wrote: > How can I get the later versions of this released? Ubuntu 18.10 relaesed with mlpack 3.0.3. If you're wondering why 16.04 doesn't have this, start by reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates. In essence, Ubuntu _doe