Hello, everyone:
My computer is loaded with ubuntu18.04 LTS, but my computer is not
connected to the Internet, so I can't install GCC online. So I have a network
in another computer from https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic-updates/devel/gcc
download deb into the u disk to install on my Ubunt
On Sat, 17 Nov 2018 13:11:57 +, Caipenghui wrote:
> My computer is loaded with ubuntu18.04 LTS, but my computer is not
> connected to the Internet, so I can't install GCC online. So I have a
> network in another computer from
> https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic-updates/devel/gcc download de
Still about pixel desktop, its an overhaul of lxde!
So anyone capable of porting it? Its Deb Based! Would
Here are all the changes:
Em sáb, 17 de nov de 2018 às 00:04, Edney Helenedossantos <
edneyhelene...@gmail.com> escreveu:
> Hello there, would love to see
I see several problems with this suggestion:
* the descriptions I read suggest several aesthetic changes but little beyond
* the Pi in Pixel refers to the Raspberry Pi, i.e. it is targeted specifically
at that platform/architecture so much will have to be undone/redone to make it
more gen