Jonathon Fernyhough schreef op 16-12-2017 16:29:
I've only been vaguely following this thread as it doesn't appear to be
related to Ubuntu Development, but it seems to me you're annoyed that
you started learning Python2 before finding out that it is being
replaced by Python3.
No, I don't like
Neal McBurnett schreef op 16-12-2017 18:16:
For example here I port your one-line Python 2 script that uses zip.
$ cat
print zip(["a","b"], ["c","d"])
$ python
[('a', 'c'), ('b', 'd')]
$ 2to3 > porting_example.patch
$ cat porting_examp
Neal McBurnett schreef op 16-12-2017 18:16:
Though, as John Lenton notes, there are excellent reasons for most of
the changes in Python 3
By the way, all of these "excellent reasons" are disputed.
And citing "authorative sources" does not make them any less disputed,
or any more "proven".
Oorspronkelijke bericht
Onderwerp: Re: Speed vs Memory [was: On Lists and Iterables]
Datum: 17-12-2017 12:28
Afzender: Xen
Ontvanger: Neal McBurnett
Just to summarize this.
Xen schreef op 17-12-2017 12:22:
Meanwhile Python 3.4 can be excessively slower than 2.7. SO WHERE'S
On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 11:02:48AM +0100, Xen wrote:
> My topic was that Ubuntu obviously never opposed any of the changes, and
> most replying here pretty much evidence that they are in favour of them.
> Now, they claim that they can do nothing against upstream and that they have
> to follow th
On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 12:22:20PM +0100, Xen wrote:
> Neal McBurnett schreef op 16-12-2017 18:16:
> > For more on the rationale for changes related to iterators see
> >
> That entire rationale is only explained with one word "memory co
Excerpts from Xen's message of 2017-12-17 12:34:49 +0100:
> Oorspronkelijke bericht
> Onderwerp: Re: Speed vs Memory [was: On Lists and Iterables]
> Datum: 17-12-2017 12:28
> Afzender: Xen
> Ontvanger: Neal McBurnett
> Just to summarize this.
> Xen schreef op 17-12-2