Ryan Dwyer wrote:
>> BTW: GUI tools shouldn't run on a server, but on the admin's (or
>> pseudo-admin's) desktop. Using a secure connection to the server, of
>> course.
> I take it no one has any issues with web based GUI tools?
Actually many people have issues with web-based tools. We
On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 8:02 PM, Ryan Dwyer wrote:
> I don't think there's any use discussing whether we think a GUI or CLI is
> better. Shouldn't we focus on what the typical business wants and what
> they're prepared to use?
This is an easy question.
First off, we need a Windows and Linux tool
> I don't think there's any use discussing whether we think a GUI or CLI
> is better. Shouldn't we focus on what the typical business wants and
> what they're prepared to use?
> Although it seems that the first topic to discuss is how the uid/gid system
> can be changed or mapped to support local
eBox has hosed up a number of my servers network and services configuration.
Ubuntu was stupid for choosing this. I always use Webmin. It works and has
support for more services.
Kevin Fries
Senior Linux Engineer
Computer and Communications Technology, Inc
A division of Japan Communications
in-line :-
On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 18:45, Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> Indeed. Thanks for your notes, they are very useful. Finding and fixing
> the problems is what I'm currently looking at.
> In the long run, it would be good to have checksums of .debs be done on
> the uncompressed data, but that