tsclient printer redirection patch

2009-08-17 Thread Johnson, Chad
Hello Joseph, I happened upon your patch for tsclient printer mapping, and I was wondering if I could bounce a question off of you? I know it was written for ubuntu, but I dl'd the patch and ran it on my xubuntu build and it appeared to install correctly, however, when I run the tsclient it

irssi-proxy patch for /whowas not working

2009-08-17 Thread Alex Schumann
Hi, I would like to request that the following patch/fix be backported to irssi 0.8.12 in hardy. Its been fixed upstream (and is very trivial 3 line change) but since many of us use irssi-proxy on LTS servers, it would be nice if it were patched in hardy as well.

RE: tsclient printer redirection patch

2009-08-17 Thread Johnson, Chad
Joseph, Thank you for the reply. I believe I may have done something wrong on the install because I don't see a printer option under the "Local Resources" tab. I followed the install instructions as listed: ./configure make sudo make install Everything appeared to install correctly. Perhaps

RE: tsclient printer redirection patch

2009-08-17 Thread Johnson, Chad
Joseph, I cd'd to the tsclient folder that I extracted and when I run " patch -Np1 < ../tscient-printer-redirection.patch" I receive the following error "no such file or director". Am I supposed to be running that command exactly as it appears? Thank you. From: Joseph Miller [mailto:joseph