Would it be possible to include description of package (the same as in
APT) in security announcements (USN-xxx sent by e-mail)?
Sometimes package name is unknown and does not indicate if problem is
serious (and I should react quickly) or it is minor problem in package
which is not commonly used.
I got the attached email from the BadVista campaign but I think the
following link might serve nicely to promote Linux:
"On the BBC web site in the technology section, the BBC is trying to
find advocates for Windows, Mac OS and Linux to debate the
This is follow up to the changing nature of bug reports from a few weeks
On the Mozillateam our triagers are getting swamped with automatic crash
I would like to make a few suggestions that would greatly help our
efforts and hopefully others developers too.
1. Add a top level bool
Dear Mark, dear Ubuntu developers,
We the undersigned petition you to reconsider your decision of
including binary drivers by default in the next Ubuntu release. We
believe, as you do, that it should be as easy as possible for end
users to enable extra functionality via closed software when nece