Re: forum-ambassadors to improve communication between forum users and developers

2007-01-18 Thread Roald (ubuntu_demon)
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 David Farning wrote: > On Mon, 2007-01-08 at 12:36 +0100, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote: > >> So my suggestion would be: try to simplify it further and try making a >> start on the actual ambassador work and adjust as you go along. >> > If you are interes

Re: forum-ambassadors to improve communication between forum users and developers

2007-01-18 Thread David Farning
On Thu, 2007-01-18 at 09:21 +0100, Roald (ubuntu_demon) wrote: > bassador work and adjust as you go along. > >> > > If you are interest in setting up a small team to test FA, we in the > > Mozillateam would like to take part. > > > > 1. Firefox is the first program many new users interact with th

flash player 9 -don't include it in Feisty

2007-01-18 Thread t u
Hi, I usually don't write to tell stuff like this, but this is just unbearable... I was using Flash 7 & Fx 2 with Dapper and I was very happy. After the release of the interview with Torvalds, I updated to Flash 9 (after it was announced not to be a beta anymore). For the last two days, Fx crash

Re: flash player 9 -don't include it in Feisty

2007-01-18 Thread Daniel Robitaille
On 1/18/07, t u <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi, > > I usually don't write to tell stuff like this, but this is just > unbearable... > > I was using Flash 7 & Fx 2 with Dapper and I was very happy. After the > release of the interview with Torvalds, I updated to Flash 9 (after it > was announced no