Francesco Fumanti wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to inform you about the mousetweaks specification
> created by Henrik Nilsen Omma in launchpad. I fleshed it out in the
> corresponding wiki page:
Hi Francesco. thanks f
Quoting Alec Wright <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi. Just a quick feature request for the "Software Sources" thing. Would
> it be possible to make an option to remove a CD repository completely,
> rather than just disabling it. Right now, I have the Ubuntu CD listed
> eight times there
Please use
While some nice comment have been made on how to make good quality spec
(for the mouseTweaks spec I did not look yet), I'd like to share one
compaint I have about how many (if not most) specs treat the
My problem is that specifications have no section in which they say how
John Vivirito wrote:
> This is an anouncment of a new Ubuntu team that is rising. We are the
> Ubuntu-mozillateam. We are here to triage mozilla bugs, and just all
> around lighten the load of mozilla related bugs being reported. If you
> would like to learn more i will list some links for you to
First of all, thanks for the answers.
At 8:11 AM +0100 1/15/07, mikecorn wrote:
>Mouse drivers need more precise control of very small movements
>(i.e. 1-2 pixels).
>The method: when mouse speed slows down to a few pixels / second,
>increase the ratio of mouse steps to pixel steps. N
MPT and I have created the following spec:
Feedback very welcome!
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