I saw that the great and userfriendly BitTorrent client Transmission finally
found it's way into Gutsy.
This is exactly what Ubuntu needs in the default desktop. Install
Transmission 0.72 and see if you agree with me...
/Ernst Persson
Ubuntu-devel-discuss mailing list
Eek, once again, I managed to accidentally reply off-list. :-P
-- Forwarded message --
From: William Tracy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: May 29, 2007 5:46 AM
Subject: Re: I'd like to discuss how difficult it is to add a third
party repository
To: Christopher Halse Rogers <[EMAIL PROTEC
* [Jan Claeys]
> The Gtk1 XMMS has been ported to Gtk2 under the name beep-media-player.
> Some time ago the beep-media-player people started a new project (BMPx),
> but the classic BMP was forked to become the Audacious project, which is
> essentially the latest version of XMMS now. (XMMS en "c