Thank you for reporting this bug, however, this crash report matches a
very common one, and is not specific enough to help us, since apport
does not yet include mono stacktraces.
You may choose to file this report again with information from your
beagle logs, if so please choose a more accurate ti
I had initially submitted the crash report under the "mono" package as
Apport asked me to do. I just noticed that Sebastian Dröge moved the
file here. I want to add that I currently use Beagle 0.2.16 not the one
in the Edgy repo (which is 0.2.9).
However it has been more than a week since I instal
** Changed in: mono (Ubuntu)
Sourcepackagename: mono => beagle
ubuntu-bugs mailing list
The "crash detected" icon appeared when I logged into a new session
after booting.
** Attachment added: "automatically generated file after crash"
If you could upload crash report and give information about how crash
occured, actions to create situation again it will help developers to
easily identify problem and solve it quickly.
You could find enough information how to report bugs more effectively
here :