Accepted langpack-locales into dapper-proposed, the package will build
now and be available in a few hours. Please test and give feedback here.
See for documentation how
to enable and use -proposed. Thank you in advance!
** Changed in: tzdata (Ubuntu
Accepted tzdata into hardy-proposed, the package will build now and be
available in a few hours. Please test and give feedback here. See for documentation how to
enable and use -proposed. Thank you in advance!
2010k available
Accepted tzdata into jaunty-proposed, the package will build now and be
available in a few hours. Please test and give feedback here. See for documentation how to
enable and use -proposed. Thank you in advance!
2010k available
Accepted tzdata into karmic-proposed, the package will build now and be
available in a few hours. Please test and give feedback here. See for documentation how to
enable and use -proposed. Thank you in advance!
** Changed in: tzdata (Ubuntu Jaunty)