I confirm that the problem still occurs on a dapper up to date for me ...
:-( I 've disabled the "acpi_sbs" module to have a fonctionnal keyboard
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Thanks you buddhasmiles , now, those modules doesn't load at boot, I don' t
have keyboard problems , I don' t have battery status but I can work without
it for the moment I' m waiting for a real fix now. ;-)
Windows Live Mail
I want to know too when the problem will be resolved !!!
If it can help, "sudo rmmod acpi_sbs" stop the bug , but I must load this
command in console after each boot because backlisting acpi_sbs doesn' t
stop the loading of the acpi_sbs
ps: sorry for my bad english
On Fri, 2006-06-16 at 18:18 +, Ben Collins wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-06-16 at 14:22 +, Louis XVI with a gun wrote:
> The -25 ec.ko fix should have corrected things for everyone. I'm
> surprised it didn't. The patch was written for and claims to fix the
> very bug (and it is obviously working f
I have the same laptop than mr mh (acer travelmate 2303lm) and I can confirm
that the bug stiil exist after the update to the kernel 2.6.15-25
nb: rmmod acpi_sbs fix the problem
so where can be the problem ???
Windows Live Messen
On Fri, 2006-06-16 at 14:22 +, Louis XVI with a gun wrote:
> In a console rmmod acpi_sbs fix the problem that I have but the new
> kernel version 2.6.15-25 doesn' t fix the problem for me I have ever
> this problem
> I' m on dapper and when I put "blacklist acpi_sbs and
> blacklist i2c_acpi_