I think it's a bug, but not related to openssh.
I fixed the issue by adding this to sshd_config:
AuthorizedKeysFile /etc/.ssh/%u/authorized_keys
Public key ssh auth doesn't work in Jaunty
You received this bug notification because you are a member o
Hmm.. Well, sound like it's not a bug. Thank you for explanation!
But are there any solution or workaround to use public key auth with
encrypted home dir?
Public key ssh auth doesn't work in Jaunty
You received this bug notification because you are a me
Okej, sorry, I guess I didn't read the logs as carefully as I should
Anyhow, I'm rather sure your encrypted home directory is the reason why
you can't use public key ssh auth. Considering that encryptfs decrypts
your home directory, using your login password, at login time. Hence,
when you'r