[fx: tries installing fail2ban on clean system]
You're right and my original description is wrong. /var/run/fail2ban
gets created during install but if subsequently destroyed (as must have
happened to me, oops, careless) it is not recreated on runtime. Will
change description.
Bug still stands.
Yes, /var/run/fail2ban gets created at install-time by the current
package. The deb package actually contains /var/run/fail2ban as opposed
to creating it from one of the install scripts
Installing fail2ban doesn't create /var/run/fail2ban directory
You re
Chris - are you saying that when you installed fail2ban 0.8.2-2 that it
DID create /var/run/fail2ban ?
I'm reasonably sure it didn't for me under any conditions; neither on
install nor on run.
I agree that the best place for this directory creation would be at run-
time, though, rather than insta
Confirmed. Installing fail2ban shouldn't create /var/run/fail2ban (which
is what happens at the moment), but running it should create it instead
(baring in mind that /var/run is volatile).
Steps to reproduce:
1) Install fail2ban
2) Stop fail2ban (sudo /etc/init.d/fail2ban stop)
3) Remove /var/run/