”status: Triaged → Invalid”
Nice joke, after 5 (five!) years. Thank you and goodbye.
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Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.
fonts are blurred with subpixel rendering
** Changed in: fontconfig (Ubuntu Hardy)
Status: Triaged => Invalid
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Bugs, which is subscribed to Ubuntu.
fonts are blurred with subpixel rendering
To manage notificati
To help explain how this actually looks (without xzoom), here is a
close-up of the same image from a camera. The top line is the default
ubuntu blurry font behavior, and the bottom line uses Johan's fix.
Note the shapes of letters "dy/+" near the right side. In the top
image, the "d" and "+" act
Thanks for the link to Johan's fix. The default font blur drives me
crazy... makes me feel like my monitor is miscalibrated or I have dirt
in my eyes.
Maybe the bug is considered a feature for black text on a white
background, but it causes problems when other colors are used. For
example, I've
Just for kicks, I've downloaded Ubuntu 9.04 Alpha6, installed and dist-upgraded
to latest development version. And this bug still isn't fixed... There are
still color bands next to vertical elements of letters. See especially letter
"M" on attached screenshot.
Letter rendering got broken in 2007
after all the fontconfig cleanup we did in jaunty now, i would think
that this is fixed there. maybe check the beta that will come out soon.
** Changed in: fontconfig (Ubuntu)
Status: Triaged => Invalid
fonts are blurred with subpixel rendering
I'm having this problem as well, but I'm new to Linux and Ubuntu, so I
wan't able to implement Johan's fix.
How exactly do I "install" these config files? Can someone provide an
idiot-proof "step by step" on this?
I tried simply writing both files using "sudo gedit" and copy-pasting the
Johan fix solves the problem on my laptop,
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:Ubuntu 8.04
Codename: hardy
With the fix the fonts look more readable (Monospace-7 and BitStreamVera
Sans Mono-7).
8.04 Hardy official release plus updates through today still has this blurry
font bug.
I use and LCD. Note on a minority of reboots (maybe 1 out of 5) the fonts
would be clear but 4 out of 5 times the fonts are blurry.
Johan's workaround has fixed it (for at least 1 reboot).
System --> Pre
I know this has been marked for fontconfig, but I think it may also have
to do with libfreetype.
fonts are blurred with subpixel rendering
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@Ivo: your problem seems unrelated here, I don't see any subpixel
rendering going on in your shot. Rather, it seems like a hinting issue.
fonts are blurred with subpixel rendering
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"- why would the current settings be a source of eye strain?"
On a new gutsy install (now hardy), they definitely made my eyes/head
hurt before I tried 'best shapes'. Eventually I xmag'd and found the
fringing was a problem.
I've had similar trouble with ClearType on Windows, which fringes
My problem is with too blured only bold fonts :
Font: Tahoma
Size: 9
full hinting
** Attachment added: "fonts.jpg"
fonts are blurred with subpixel rendering
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My current understanding of this bug is that:
- the filtering is only an issue when "subpixel smoothing" is selected in the
system font preferences, which is not the default for hardy
- it is not a commonly observed problem; it may only affect systems with a
specific dpi(?)
- a workaround is ava
> - why would the current settings be a source of eye strain?
Viewing habits, not eye-strain. Ok, maybe some people are seated really
closely or watch the screen without glasses while having myopia
(telescope effect).
> - why would fonts of the same *point* size look worse on screens with a
> hi
On Tue, Apr 01, 2008 at 05:56:07PM -, Timo Aaltonen wrote:
> Some recent change fixed the larger fonts for me, but shouldn't 53
> -monospace-lcd-filter.conf use "slight" hinting and not full?
I'm not qualified to have an opinion on this. :) I think the main concerns
on this bug are:
- why wo
Some recent change fixed the larger fonts for me, but shouldn't 53
-monospace-lcd-filter.conf use "slight" hinting and not full? For
instance size 6 looks a lot worse with full hinting, and tilde looks the
same as dash.
fonts are blurred with subpixel rendering
53-monospace-lcd-filter.conf -> ../conf.avail/53-monospace-lcd-filter.conf
Yes, it exist. But it only fixes monospace fonts. *All* fonts are blurred.
Screenshots I've attached shows DejaVu Sans (NOT monospace) with fringing.
fonts are blurred with subpixel rendering
Does /etc/fonts/conf.d/53-monospace-lcd.-filter.conf exist on your
machine? This is the code that is supposed to enable the legacy LCD
filter for small monospace fonts; for the standard Ubuntu monospace
fonts, at sizes < 12 pixels, this problem is supposed to already be
The 99-local-unblur
I have only one Ubuntu machine - my laptop. I've installed Ubuntu
version 6.10 beta in autumn 2006 and upgraded since. I'm running now
8.04 beta.
*All* fonts are color fringed, monospace and not monospace. Earlier
there was no fringing. See screenshots I've attached earlier, they show
issue by pla
You mention that fonts look better when you upgrade from dapper to gutsy
than when you upgrade from feisty to gutsy. On each of these machines,
is /etc/fonts/conf.d/53-monospace-lcd-filter.conf present? That is
supposed to address these color-fringing issues for the standard
monospace f
Hope this will be addressed soon, one way or the another.
** Changed in: fontconfig (Ubuntu)
Importance: Undecided => High
Status: New => Triaged
Target: None => ubuntu-8.04-beta
fonts are blurred with subpixel rendering
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** Changed in: fontconfig (Ubuntu)
Sourcepackagename: None => fontconfig
fonts are blurred with subpixel rendering
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Thank you Johan. Changes from your blog made fonts sharp again. It
should be default for displays thinner that 150 or more DPI.
fonts are blurred with subpixel rendering
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Since the deciding folks think this is not a bug, here’s how I fixed it:
fonts are blurred with subpixel rendering
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Reducing fonts size to 7 (from 8) on Gutsy make letters little more bearable,
but still not in Feisty quality.
See attached feisty-vs-gutsy.png. Upper menu is from Gutsy, font size 7pt.
Lower is from Feisty 8pt. This is the same font (DejaVu Sans), but in Feisty it
was ideally pixel-aligned and
Another data point: after upgrading Dapper -> Gutsy, on 17"LCD with 86 DPI,
fonts look much better than on my 120 DPI display. Color fringing is less
visible and fonts do not appear fuzzy.
Is there some problem with fontconfig when going Feisty -> Gutsy?
fonts are blurred with subpixel rende
This is a bug. Default configuration even turn off this atrocity for "small"
fonts. The problem is "small" defined as 12 or less points. Which is insane, as
small fonts are 7 or less. I have all fonts size 9 or 10, so this working
("legacy") filter should be uses for all of them.
Current Ubuntu
It’s a feature, ot a bug.
See: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3483916&postcount=63
Don't swap the pixel ordering. It needs to reflect your LCDs layout,
which is very likely RGB.
fonts are blurred with subpixel rendering
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Yes. Vertical color bands swapped it places, reddish appeared right of
letter and blueish appeared at the left side of letter. Letters are
still blurred.
fonts are blurred with subpixel rendering
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Have you tried changing your subpixel rendering order from RGB to BGR?
fonts are blurred with subpixel rendering
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
Bugs, which is the bug contact for Ubuntu.
ubuntu-bugs mailing list
** Attachment added: "blurred supibxel aa on Gutsy"
fonts are blurred with subpixel rendering
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** Attachment added: "corect supbixel aa on Feisty"
fonts are blurred with subpixel rendering
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