Can people with this laptop and affected by the issue, please post the
output from:
cat /var/lib/acpi-support/*-*
cat /proc/cpuinfo
find /sys/ -name \*freq\* -o -name \*trans\*| xargs sudo grep .
(including the final '.').
** Changed in: powernowd (Ubuntu)
After compiling and installing 'vanilla' kernel, my machine
runs at full speed again and also suspend to disk & RAM both work. I
will just hope that the Ubuntu kernel devs are able to ix this sometime
in the Gutsy lifecycle.
[gutsy] Gutsy performance lags dramatically with ACPI enabl
My laptop has a Pentium III 600 (Coppermine) CPU, and none of the
various CPU frequency/scaling kernel modules are loadable. This means
that the subdirectories under /sys for controlling throttling etc are
With ACPI enabled, the kernel seems to run slowly right from the start.
See the above thread for details on a bad acpid-CPU throttling problem
found in Knoppix and Xandros. With acpi left on, check the
scaling_governor mode and also the threshold, and see if the tips at the
above link help you any (and of course, report