*** This bug is a duplicate of bug 251830 ***
** This bug has been marked a duplicate of bug 251830
Mouseemu installed, not wanted
Mouseemu uses strange defaults
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just wanted to say I got hit by this really unintuitive bug when
installing intrepid on my new macbook pro - F11 is used in emacs for
devhelp-word-at-point and so I cant use this without disabling mouseemu
- I think this is totally bogus - F keys should do what they are - ie
send F key events - to
Confirmed on hardy. First gen macbook pro.
F11 is used for fullscreen in gnome so it's really annoying and hard to figure
out (google helps).
Two finger "click" on the touchpad works fine for right-click. Maybe that
should be default instead :)
Mouseemu uses strange defaults
I guess cmd-click isn't that intuitive either (it's actually ctrl-click
on OS X, but ctrl is little-used on OS X, like command/meta on Ubuntu)
It is, however, physically easier to use than F11/F12. The ideal way to
do right-click with Macs on Ubuntu, though, is probably two-finger tap -
which I wi
OK, I admit I was trying on a PowerBook rather than a MacBook.
I think anything will be non-intuitive to some (when you first encounter
a Mac, is Command-click really obvious? it certainly wasn't to me), but
perhaps we can make both combinations work or something like that.
Mouseemu uses stra
In my experience, these keys do NOT generate the same scancode - on my MacBook
one of them is 125 and the other is 126 (decimal - which mouseemu uses).
Anyway, I know F11 and F12 have been used for ever, but this is quite possibly
one of the most common issues mentioned in install walkthroughs fo
Left-Command and right-Command generate the same scancode and thus
cannot be distinguished by the operating system.
We chose F11 and F12 ages ago, long before mouseemu, and it's been that
way for six releases of Ubuntu on powerpc now as well as a release on
Intel Macs. I can't help feeling that ch