Added gutsy rep
Downgraded Xorg to 7.2/1.3
and put a Hold on Xorg (no xorg at upgrades)
Reboot, DONE.
It actually works and my resolution doesn't look fubar now on a 37 inc LCD.
Before the icons where to large and shit.. but now it looks like a real
screen, even if the movies worked before, they I
Man this is driving me nuts, a reason why I left for OS X.
But I need Ubuntu for school and movies (XBMC) and amongs other things, so I
need to get this fixed now :(
lockup on mac mini 945GM [8086:27a2]
You received this bug notification because you are
I got a mac mini with c2d cpu and Xubuntu inteprid.
I have tried 64 bit, 32 bit, ubuntu, xubuntu, hardy, inteprid.
ALL mixed together, like 64, xubuntu, inteprid.
I got screensaver turned off, I even uninstalled gnome-screensaver, I got
power-saving stuff turned off as well.
My issue is that my s