Public bug reported:
Binary package hint: python2.5-doc
In the post install file /var/lib/dpkg/info/python2.5-doc.postinst we find this:
if [ -n "$info" ] && [ -x /usr/sbin/install-info ]; then
install-info --quiet --section "Python" "Python" \
--description="Python 2.5 Library
Gutsy fails to find the root device in /usr/share/initramfs-
tools/hooks/cryptroot because it blindly looks at the fstab entry for
root and takes the first entry like so:
while read device mount type options dump pass; do
if [ "$mount" = "/" ]; then
echo "$d
I also have the same problem with kernel 2.6.18 running on a cryptroot.
This does seem to be some kind of loop entered by udev. For me this
fixed the issue:
commenting out this:
#SUBSYSTEM=="block", ACTION=="add|change", KERNEL=="dm-*",