"Also I had gpg dump a list of available keys ( gpg --list-secret-keys
), and the required key shows up. Also, as with the previous problem,
the duplicity command that backupninja spits out works fine from the
command line, as-is."
>From within the dupl action, dupl.in, or w/e.
duplicity jobs
Dec 12 23:14:37 Debug: yes
Dec 12 23:14:37 Debug: ssh -o IdentityFile=/home/lstewart/.ssh/id_dsa -o
PasswordAuthentication=no mail.sevaserver.org -l lstewart 'echo -n 1'
Dec 12 23:14:38 Debug: Connected to mail.sevaserver.org as lstewart successfully
Dec 12 23:14:39 Debug: Data
--remove-older-than 60D --include '/home/lstewart/bin/**'
--exclude '**' / scp://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
Jul 15 01:24:50 Debug: Traceback (most recent call last): File
"/usr/bin/duplicity", line 373, in if __name__ == "__m