I've just done an install of MythBuntu 10.04 (32b release) on an HP
Pavilion 5.5x (stock). I'm seeing the same problem. OS does normal shut
down process, video turns off, but machine does not power down.
Shutdown still doesn't turn off my computer
You rece
Yes, I understand about reporting bugs effectively, but
1) when I'm trying to install off a bootable CD I do not know how to load the
debug libraries...
2) during a crash of the installation process I have no way to copy and paste
text directly and typing it all into my Android phone is slow and
Public bug reported:
Binary package hint: ubiquity
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/kde_ui.py", line 1063, in
watch_debconf_fd_helper_read self.debconf_callbacks[source],l(source,
File "/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/filteredcommand
On 9.04_64 with KDE 4.3.1 after upgrading gcc-4.4-base, libcc1_4.4.1,
libstdc++6_4.4.1, libscim8c2a_1.4.9 when I attempt to install plasma-
widget-kimpanel_0.0+svn1015443-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb both GDebi and dpkg
(from command line) generate the same error: "Trying to overwrite
This is an essential for me... any way to help prioritize the wishlist?
My inability to type foreign languages due to issues with SKIM is
killing me!
[needs-packaging] kimpanel: a universal IM panel for KDE4
You received this bug notification because you
I just upgraded my Lenovo T61 with Intel 4965 a/g/n to Intrepid.
1. Network Manager wouldn't save my WEP info (wouldn't store my authentication
type as ASCII)
2. May have caused some kernel storms
3. Network Manager crashed
4. Launching Network Manager from the Applications menu launched a legay
I have a similar problem:
Source drive is NTFS
Destination drive is EXT3
not copying huge files, but copying hundreds of files (MP3s so not
small). Considering this is one of the reasons everybody laughed at
Vista I would expect the priority on this issue should be high, not