** Summary changed:
- Kubuntu - security vulnerabilities
+ Kubuntu (and perhaps Ubuntu)- security vulnerabilities
** Description changed:
If I boot Kubuntu in Recovery Mode (choose from boot menu), I can:
1- Login as root without password and full access to system.
2- Change password of an
Public bug reported:
If I boot Kubuntu in Recovery Mode (choose from boot menu), I can:
1- Login as root without password and full access to system.
2- Change password of any username (if I know only this username and don't know
his password. Type: passwd ). So this username can not login to
I can confirm that OOo work fine if Klipper is disabled.
OpenOffice Crashes every time a Images or Forulars are selected
ubuntu-bugs mailing list
1- If PC0 is a computer in a windows network and my document is a shared folder:
//PC0/my document
2- If PC0 is the computer with Kubuntu and Windows:
K Menu - System Settings - Advanced - Disks & Filesystems - Administrator Mode
Kubuntu Edgy - smb bug
I have got the same problem in Kubuntu Edgy and Fedora 6 with KDE but
not in Ubuntu Edgy. So it is a bug of KDE, not OOo?
Kubuntu Edgy - smb bug
ubuntu-bugs mailing list
1- Install smbfs: sudo apt-get install smbfs
2- Put into /etc/fstab: (sudo kate /etc/fstab)
//servername/sharename /home/username/sharename smbfs
0 0
(all are only in one line)
3- Create directo
I have the same problem with Kubuntu Edgy
Kubuntu / KDE SMB network error using openoffice word docs
ubuntu-bugs mailing list
Public bug reported:
I have the same problem:
"I opened up OO and selected the open file icon, I surfed to the folder
on the smb server and double clicked on the file. OO popped up the
message below:
** Protocol "smb" is supported only partially. Local copy of the file
will be created. **
It di