I have applied the patch, and also tried Michael Tänzer ppa method. Both
only fix the issue if you don't click on a section in the latex over
view sub plane, or have the follow editor radio button in the off
This bug makes the over view pretty much useless, and is pretty annoying
when yo
i added a hook in /ect/pm/sleep.d/11_mmc_mounts
# mmcard must be mounted or unmounted before suspend | hibinate
case "$1" in
umount /dev/mmcblk0p1
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1
>Just a shot in the wild: could anyone try to see what happens
>if you disable '/apps/nautilus/preferences/media_automount_open' in
>This is the only other tweak I did on my system.
no it still crashes screen is frozen and not suspended, perhaps I will
try to unmount and moun
same here suspend with a sd card mounted in the left hand slot results in
suspend freezing before it has completed.
i have also tryed the pciehp.pciehp_force=1 kernal cmd line option in grub2
with update-grup and backports. and this failed to resolve the issue, manualy
unmounting the drive befor