I think there was a duplicate bug that I've now marked as Resolved and
realised that this one was marked REOPENED.
I'll mark this RESOLVED also, though I have since identified another bug
on Paste Special... Add... which does not handle blank cells as if they
were zero and ends up putting things i
I've re-opened this bug.
(While I'm here, please accept my apologies for using a complicated
attachment originally, which has for a while been obsoleted and I've
replaced it with the second of the two non-obsolete attachments, the
14.38 KiB one):
The bug still exists in last night's
Created attachment 80735
Simple Conditional Format paste bug demo with instructions in worksheet
New Attachment CFpasteBug.ods
obsoletes attachment 70378.
This is simpler than attachment 70378
It includes instructions to reproduce the bug in cells A5:A13
It shows that the Conditional Format is
I've just tested and the bug is still present in
Version (Build ID: 84102822e3d61eb989ddd325abf1ac077904985)
I'd been hopeful when I saw in Release Notes that some other Conditional
Formatting bugs had been resolved.
Thanks to the devs for your continuing efforts.
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