A feature that would be nice is to ALWAYS display your score at bottom of list.
As the game is now, after 10 games, you cant see your score unless it is better
than the 10th one.
HAve a good day!
Add option to clear high scores
You received this bug
You can modify the scores of mahjongg by opening a terminal,
then typing
ls /var/games/mahjongg.*
and a list of files like
will appear. Choose the file named for the level of mahjongg you want to
modify. The you type
sudo gedit /v
Also could you do something about the windows being too tall for the
screen? If the install is running and a terminal window opens, the last
line of terminal text is below the bottom status bar, even after pushing
the window up as far as it will go.
Have a good day, and keep up the goo