(In reply to chepioq from comment #61)
> (In reply to Garland_Key from comment #56)
> If not, how long will it take for this patch to get rolled into an
> > official release?
> >
> > Kernel: 4.3.3-2-ARCH
> > Shell: /bin/bash
> > DE: Plasma 5.5.3-2
> That depend to the maintainer for plasma-des
(In reply to Thomas Lübking from comment #57)
> You need to get the sources of plasma-desktop, apply the patch (patch -p1 <
> path/to/patch.diff) and rebuild at least kcms/kfontinst.
> If you've no experience with compilation, you can ask your distro to
> pre-pick the patch (ask implies the answ
(In reply to jeremy9856 from comment #59)
> In the mean time you can simply install gnome-font-viewer
Thanks - I just installed it. This will at least allow me to view the
fonts correctly. I can use this in conjunction with Font Management in
the Plasma 5 settings to sort them.
You received
I'm an artist and depend on KDE. I have a novice understanding of
computer science (took CS50). I have no clue how to apply this patch,
but just purchased a bulk of fonts and need to sort them. Would anyone
mind providing a link that will help me understand what to do to get
this patch applied?